Articles by Zach Rissman
09/19/18 12:50am
Guest Column by Zach Rissman | It's time to divest
The time is long overdue for Penn to divest from coal and tar sands companies. 04/23/17 10:11pm
Guest Column by Zach Rissman | The People’s Climate Movement and why it’s more about the “people” than the “climate”
On April 29th, as part of the People’s Climate Movement, over 100,000 people will gather to march in Washington DC to demonstrate widespread and overwhelming support for immediate and drastic climate action. 04/04/17 7:51pm
Guest Column by Zach Rissman | Behind closed doors: Sit-in negotiations and Penn’s blatant hypocrisy
The University of Pennsylvania, claiming to value collaboration and logic, acted extremely hypocritically throughout the negotiations during the Fossil Free Penn sit-in. 03/29/16 11:27pm
Guest Column by Zach Rissman | Uncovering bias in Penn's important process
Penn’s process of deciding whether or not to divest from fossil fuels is biased. We will start by giving a quick update on our campaign. 09/24/15 1:18am