Articles by Voices of the Administration
02/26/09 5:00am
Evelyn Wiener | Responding to a public-health emergency
By now, many of the facts are widely known: three students hospitalized for confirmed meningococcal infection in a period of days; numerous other students evaluated in the Student Health Service and the Emergency Room, some admitted to the hospital for observation and empiric treatment pending test results; upwards of 3,000 students dispensed preventative treatment; measles; ongoing communications and updates to students and the broader university community; one very tired Health Service director. 12/09/08 5:00am
Kristin Gilbertson | Weathering the Storm
10/02/08 5:00am
Harris Sokoloff | Working to build the next great city
The Penn Project for Civic Engagement (PPCE) is built on this premise: "We dream about what we value, then work to turn those dreams into reality." Put another way, the work of citizens in a democracy is to define the public interest and to build common ground for actions that will further the public interest. 09/03/08 5:00am