Articles by Ton Nguyen
03/28/20 1:08am
Ton Nguyen | Lessons Learned from COVID-19 for Penn and Beyond
In this time of distress, let’s find solace in knowing that there are still good people out there and remember that there is more work to be done in the future. Until then, rest for better days to come. 02/24/20 12:16am
Ton Nguyen | Be conscious of fetishization
Whether it be from fellow Penn students to Uber drivers to random cat-callers, many people find it more socially palatable to use explicitly racial terms towards Asians — as if they were forms of “complimenting” or “flirting.” 09/18/19 10:57pm
Ton Nguyen | Stand up for your beliefs without canceling others
These are some important questions Penn students can ask themselves before they become too blinded by their own biases. 04/04/19 9:09pm
Ton Nguyen | A first-generation, low-income perspective on who deserves to be in the Ivy League
We’re the ones you learn about in class about inner-city kids struggling with educational inequality. We’re also the ones you claim to be stealing your financial aid. So as great as it is that you’re learning more about us at Penn, it’s even more important that you understand that there are many people who could have been us. 03/13/19 8:28pm
Ton Nguyen | Don't be ignorant of others' cultures on your next spring break trip
Traveling can have a lot of benefits and encourage people to immerse themselves in exciting settings and engage with vibrant cultures. But there is a difference between being appreciative of cultures and being ignorant of the harmful effects of your presence. 02/15/19 11:29am