Articles by Shawn Safvi

05/16/08 5:00am

Shawn Safvi | Learning to live a little

It was some time at the beginning of last December when I was officially done with my duties as executive editor of The Daily Pennsylvanian. We had just elected a new board, and although there were some loose ends to tie up, the finish line was all but here.
01/25/08 5:00am

New 'DP' board seeks move from newspaper to news organization

This Saturday, the 124th Board of Editors and Managers will be inaugurated at the DP's annual banquet.
12/07/07 5:00am
While it might be snowing outside this week, Wharton students were warm in Huntsman Hall sipping hot chocolate at their annual Winter Whartonland event. Yesterday over 1000 students showed up to mark the final day of festivities. Hosted for the second straight year by the Wharton Council, the Winter Whartonland Festival was expanded from what used to be a one-day event to four full days of holiday-themed films, snacks and games.
11/12/07 5:00am

Shawn Safvi | Giving you a voice

Last Monday, the DP hosted its final Open Forum of the semester. A number of you mentioned that you followed our extensive coverage of the University's announcement of its $3.5 billion capital campaign, as well as its plans for eastward expansion. After Thanksgiving break, we'll begin coverage of the trial of Rafael Robb.
10/11/07 5:00am

Shawn Safvi | A successful Open Forum

This past week I had the pleasure of hosting the DP's first Open Forum of the semester. What began as a simple experiment last year has blossomed into a great way for you to share your thoughts and give us feedback. As usual, you had a lot on your mind.
09/05/07 5:00am

To Our Readers

A letter from 'DP' Executive Editor, Shawn Safvi
04/02/07 5:00am

Shawn Safvi | Letter from the Executive Editor

The 'DP' hopes the Penn community will continue using it as a outlet for debate.
03/13/07 5:00am

Shawn Safvi | Letter from the Executive Editor

When it comes to student groups, the 'DP' needs your input and understanding.
02/05/07 5:00am

Shawn Safvi | Letter from the Executive Editor

Improving relations with the Greek community, focus groups on tap for DP.
01/16/07 5:00am

Shawn Safvi | To our readers

A letter from the DP's Executive Editor, Shawn Safvi.
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