Articles by Sally Engelhart

04/25/12 1:14am
We all know from experience that the perception of time passing is not constant. Just think about how quickly the hour of an exam can fly by or how slowly an hour lecture can.
04/11/12 11:45pm
When I get a hangover, I usually deserve it. Give me DHM and I’ll never learn my lesson.
03/28/12 10:48pm
If you witness a heart attack, you just have to do two simple things. First, call 911. Then, push hard and fast in the middle of the person’s chest.
03/15/12 12:06am
If it sounds like the MCAT is about to get a whole lot longer, more comprehensive and difficult — that’s because it is.
02/22/12 9:37pm
Q: I’ve really been kicking my ass at the gym since the beginning of the semester. Why aren’t I losing any weight? — Gym Fanatic*
02/08/12 10:16pm
People trying to lose weight often think that body fat is the enemy. But get this: there’s one type of fat — brown fat — that might hold the key to being thin.
01/25/12 11:54pm
We are actually happier when we have limited options.
01/11/12 11:47pm
If you use prescription drugs incorrectly, you are drug user. There are no two ways about it.
12/01/11 1:32am
Vitamin C, Zicam, echinacea, Airborne, Cold FX. Should you invest in homeopathic cold preventions and remedies?
10/26/11 7:13pm
Posting caloric information on restaurant menus doesn’t make people consume fewer calories, and it might actually be sabotaging people from making healthy food choices.
10/13/11 12:37am
A ban on obese women receiving fertility treatment seems medically justified and rational.
09/28/11 11:12pm
Michele Bachmann’s comment that the human papillomavirus vaccine causes mental retardation has done a lot of damage to America’s public health.
09/14/11 11:52pm

Sally Engelhart | The skinny on calorie counting

I’ll tell you why we really get fat. You might not like it. You probably won’t believe me either. But after reading some outstanding work by science writer Gary Taubes, I’m a die-hard believer.
04/14/11 4:28am

Scientifically Blonde | Spring Fling — a weekend of ecstasy

At times like Fling, at a place like college, it’s easy to see why students feel faced with a dilemma — to try or not to try ecstasy.
03/31/11 4:42am

Scientifically Blonde | Don’t let a paralyzing fear hold you back

Debilitating phobias can be a real problem. So I was pretty excited when I heard about a potential shortcut to overcome them.
03/17/11 4:56am

Scientifically Blonde | Not your elementary school gym class

Not only should Penn offer physical education classes — they should be mandatory.
02/10/11 4:49am

Scientifically Blonde | Well-prepared? You still might choke

To prevent students from choking before exams, use different ways to test them. Give them various options — take a test, give a presentation or write a paper.
01/27/11 5:21am

Scientifically Blonde | Zapping your brain to a 4.0

When I heard about a study from the University of Oxford that found that electroshock brain therapy makes you significantly better at math, my first thought was, “Where do I sign up?!”
01/13/11 5:09am

Scientifically Blonde | Beer goggles demystified

Beer goggles are the illusion that people are more attractive when you’re under the influence of alcohol. Their existence has been scientifically proven and explained.
12/09/10 5:32am

Scientifically Blonde | Lose weight with the Twinkie Diet

Kansas State University Nutrition professor Mark Haub lost 27 pounds over the 10 weeks of his Twinkie diet. If you’re like many college students, his diet sounds all too familiar.
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Photo & Video by Sally Engelhart

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