Articles by Nicky Berman

04/22/08 5:00am

Nicky Berman | It ain't over till it's over

As pundits and political journalists across the country join the ranks of those urging Senator Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race for the nomination, they're making two huge mistakes. First, and most importantly, we haven't voted yet! Maybe the media hasn't noticed, but the Pennsylvania primary is today, meaning the ever-so-patient voters of our great state have yet to make their voices heard.
04/01/08 5:00am

Nicky Berman | Presidential politics is still personal

'Isn't she beeeeauutiful?" whispered the suited woman standing next to me. "There's just nothing like being in the presence of someone with that much charisma." We were caught in the middle of the pushing and crowding in Houston's Hall of Flags last Monday, flush from our meeting with Hillary Clinton herself.
03/18/08 5:00am

Nicky Berman | So you want to be a superdelegate?

Meet Jason Rae. He's 21, a junior at Marquette University, loves Netflix and college basketball. And along with President Clinton and Governor Rendell, he'll be casting his vote as a superdelegate at the Democratic National Convention this August. Yes, you read that correctly - he's a 21-year-old superdelegate, the youngest of them all, and his vote will be equal in value to that of some 15,000 average-Joe voters like you and me.
02/26/08 5:00am

Nicky Berman | Staying true to the Straight Talk Express

When Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) visited Penn's campus in November, he wasn't met with the welcome you might expect for the Republican Party's nominee for President. Kiley Austin-Young, a College junior and a now-devoted McCain supporter, didn't even consider attending the event.
02/12/08 5:00am

Nicky Berman | Trying to find a winner

In the wake of Super Tuesday, Senator John McCain surfaced from the quagmire that was the Republican field to seize the mantle of presumptive nominee. As for the Democrats, instead of easing anxiety and providing some hints about who might be the candidate with the edge, Feb.
01/29/08 5:00am

Nicky Berman | Being realistic about race

Whether it's CBS's latest poll, Anderson Cooper's post-debate special on Race and Politics or last week's blog post on ABC's "Political Radar" Web site, it seems that everyone is talking about the role of race in this unprecedented election. Everyone, that is, except for the candidates.
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