Articles by Michelle Bovin
11/07/95 5:00am
Nursing professors receive national honors
11/01/95 5:00am
College and Nursing to offer joint minor in nutrition
11/01/95 5:00am
Wharton brings alumni back for first leadership conference
10/06/95 5:00am
Vogelos recounts his career at Merck
10/06/95 5:00am
Gov't gives $4.3 million to Nursing
09/21/95 5:00am
Wharton students shop for clubs
09/15/95 5:00am
Researchers get $3.1 mil. gov't grant
09/08/95 5:00am
Wharton gets top ranking in survey
09/08/95 5:00am
Finance students shut out of class
09/07/95 5:00am
Two University alums arrested on charges of first degree murder
04/25/95 5:00am
Computers aid physically challenged
04/12/95 5:00am
Forum discusses racial stereotypes
03/23/95 5:00am
University's bridge team to compete in Memphis
03/17/95 5:00am
Students remember 'African Holocaust'
03/14/95 5:00am
Students flock to Chats for opening celebration
02/27/95 5:00am
Over 1,000 'free the planet' at conference
02/23/95 5:00am
Nursing prof speaks on battered women
02/07/95 5:00am
Planned Parenthood pres. speaks at U.
01/30/95 5:00am