Articles by Lilian Zhang
12/05/18 9:21pm
Lilian Zhang | STEM is sweeping through Penn, but the humanities deserve a chance too
Don't let the soaring number of STEM majors dissuade you from pursuing art history or philosophy. 12/02/18 8:34pm
Lilian Zhang | I’m tired of justifying why I don’t live in the Quad
I was immediately disappointed when placed into Gregory, a college dorm no one knew the location of — a place that received no frat party fliers under the doors. 11/09/18 6:51pm
Lilian Zhang | China’s education system is notoriously rigid, but is the U.S. any better?
I came to the United States so that I would avoid falling victim to an education system based on standardized and rigid deliverance of knowledge. 10/07/18 11:34pm