Articles by Lark Yan
06/26/21 10:47pm
Lark Yan | My tastebuds might never be bored again
Columnist Lark Yan writes about cooking, a habit she developed in the wake of COVID-19. She describes the excitement, friendships, and joy that resulted from her pandemic-inspired time in the kitchen. 06/05/21 2:04pm
Lark Yan | The recently passed Anti-Asian Hate Crime Act is like smoke and mirrors — it’s not enough
Columnist Lark Yan argues that the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which seeks to curtail anti-Asian violence, does little to address the systemic racism that many in the AAPI community regularly face. 02/11/21 9:18am
Lark Yan | The Lunar New Year as the 'Chinese' New Year: A display of cultural ignorance that harms
This Friday marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year, an important annual celebration in many Asian cultures. However, it denies the diversity of these cultures if all of these celebrations are called the Chinese New Year. 07/21/20 12:00pm
Lark Yan | Incoming first years, a gap year is in your best interest
Since incoming college first years are at a key transition stage of their lives, they should highly consider taking a gap semester given their inability to receive a complete college experience under present circumstances. 06/26/20 4:18pm
Lark Yan | Penn made the right decision, now can it follow through?
Penn is prioritizing the health of its community by announcing stringent tracking and tracing measures, following the example of other nations who have effectively curbed the rampant spread of the virus by implementing such digital systems. 06/08/20 11:43am
Lark Yan | Privilege as an Asian American Christian
Asian Americans and Christians are part of a unique niche in American society that seems to tell us it’s best we stay out of the fight. 04/06/20 10:37pm
Lark Yan | In the midst of pandemic, America has much to learn
Rather than disparaging Asian nations, President Trump should instead start to learn from their responses to the disease. 03/04/20 7:28pm
Lark Yan | Penn needs to be more transparent in why and how they increase tuition
As the ones paying the bill, it seems only right that students receive at least more information and price transparency on how and why these decisions were made. 02/13/20 12:51am
Lark Yan | 'Parasite' winning is a step forward for diversity, but there's still work to do
As we celebrate this historic win for “Parasite,” let’s not forget about the fight of those yet to receive their rightful equality and recognition. 01/29/20 9:58pm
Lark Yan | Don't let racism spread with coronavirus
The coronavirus is a serious health crisis, but we can’t use it to drive us towards hatred and fear. 01/14/20 11:25pm
Lark Yan | Penn needs to explain the defunding of Wharton Public Policy Initiative
By deciding to defund PPI, Penn not only devalued students’ opinions but also deemphasized the importance of public policy research. 12/04/19 7:53pm
Lark Yan | The 6B must continue to fight for more space for the cultural houses
Until minority groups see equal representation and value on campus from Penn administration, via equal spacing and resources, then whatever small offers Penn might provide will not be good enough. 10/20/19 10:41pm
Lark Yan | Penn must fire Amy Wax
Although official statements and claims decrying Wax’s ideals as not representative of Penn Law’s values is a good start, it’s simply not enough. 10/03/19 12:42pm