Articles by Juliette Mullin
05/14/10 12:52am
Senior Goodbye from Juliette Mullin | Page 217 revisited
When I applied to Penn, I wrote my retirement speech for my autobiography’s page 217. Today, I rewrote that speech. 04/20/10 2:36am
In Case You Missed Me | A need for a sex ed program at Penn
The University does not attempt to provide a standardized sexual-health education. It needs to do so before freshmen come to Penn. 04/13/10 3:51am
In Case You Missed Me | Budget in the 'real world'
Student groups should teach students how to run a business and be fiscally responsible. 03/30/10 4:11am
In Case You Missed Me | Stay ahead of the curve
Penn does a disservice to many of its brightest students by dramatically limiting their ability to excel in their pre-med courses. 03/16/10 4:29am
In Case You Missed Me | Care about the city, not just Penn
We need to stop thinking of Philadelphia as something there for us to exploit when we feel like it. 03/02/10 6:14am
In Case You Missed Me | Fine with not having a job yet
I’m tired of everyone acting like we should all have our dream jobs completely figured out by now. Because the majority of us don’t. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. 02/23/10 5:56am
In Case You Missed Me | No credit where it’s not due
The Credit CARD Act limits free choice without effectively preventing the companies from taking advantage of students. 02/09/10 5:34am
In Case You Missed Me | Writer, friend, feminist
The Penn Consortium of Undergraduate Women is asking, “What does a feminist look like?” I have learned there’s no single answer. 02/02/10 5:43am
In Case You Missed Me | Dear SEPTA: don’t take a hike
If SEPTA is going to ask me (and everyone else) to start paying more for a system that is, quite frankly, subpar, I expect to see some serious improvements in return. 01/26/10 5:34am
In Case You Missed Me | Streamlining information
It doesn’t make sense to ask students to manage an additional e-mail account when they take a class outside of their home school. 01/22/10 7:16am
'DP' leaders pass the torch to 126th board
The Daily Pennsylvanian inaugurates its 126th board of editors and managers at this weekend's banquet. 01/22/10 6:34am
Letter from the Editor | Farewell from the 125
The 125th Board was privileged to cover another eventful year at Penn. 01/19/10 4:39am
In Case You Missed Me | Let’s fly away (for less)
Airlines need to encourage college students to fly more often and more easily by offering discounts. 10/12/09 1:43am
Letter from the Editor | A new 'DP' home
The Daily Pennsylvanian's new online home is easier for readers to navigate and better reflects our 24-hours-a-day commitment to the news 10/05/09 4:15am
Letter from the Editor | 125 years of passion
This week’s celebrations highlighted the similarities between generations of ‘DP’ers 10/02/09 8:48pm
British exchange student Eleanor Keeler dies at HUP
Eleanor Keeler, a British exchange student from University College London, died at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania this morning, according to University spokeswoman Lori Doyle. 09/09/09 5:07am
Juliette Mullin | Your morning, your 'DP'
Letter from Executive Editor Juliette Mullin 04/21/09 5:00am
Letter from the Editor | The decline of the dollar
You are reading an eight-page newspaper today. On this day last year, you were reading a 14-page paper. And, though it's a rarity for The Daily Pennsylvanian to drop to such a low size, it is not the first eight-page paper of the semester. Unfortunately, every newspaper in the country is slimming down its print edition. 04/08/09 5:00am
*Letter from the Editor | Not quite 'God is dead'
Newspapers are dead. True fact, printed in this very truthful publication. Just look at our front page today. Completely dead. A blog told me so. Also, we're in a Recession. I capitalize the R because it's like the Depression, except people are too Depressed to admit it. 02/16/09 5:00am