Articles by Joshua Goldman

02/27/12 2:32am

Joshua Goldman | My ‘Birthwrong’ experience

My biggest concern about all of this, as someone who strongly values difference of opinion and balance of information, is that many participants return from the trip believing that they now fully understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. If anything, I came back confused.
07/28/11 4:34am

Debt deals spare Pell Grant program

The Pell Grant program, which is on the chopping block as lawmakers look to make spending cuts to resolve the ongoing debt ceiling crisis, may remain intact.
07/21/11 4:55am
The Public Policy Polling firm has found that President Barack Obama's statewide approval rating is at 46 percent.
07/14/11 5:15am

Professors investigate effects of oil spill

Penn researchers are taking part in new efforts to assess how last year’s massive oil spill off the Gulf Coast has affected seafood and those who rely on it for food and fishing.
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