Articles by Joseph An
04/19/12 12:00am
Joseph An | Captain (Asian) America
No one can be defined. Asian Americans, through all their struggles, are not asking to be viewed as comic book victims or heroes. 04/04/12 11:43pm
Joseph An | The sentimental freshman
The following column consists of nothing but banalities and futile musings from a freshman who is three weeks away from completing his first year of college.But most of you have been here before, so allow me to opine. 03/21/12 10:35pm
Joseph An | What happened to ‘Stop at Nothing’ ?
The easiest thing to do when a campaign like KONY 2012 is brought to our attention is to pick apart everything that’s wrong with it. KONY isn’t perfect and its creator, Jason Russell certainly isn’t either — but neither is a world in which every day, children are kidnapped, sexually assaulted and forced to murder their parents. 03/01/12 12:36am
Joseph An | In defense of religion
I personally don’t know what dedicating a theme year to the Bible would have achieved, but what concerns me is the public’s outrage against the slightest semblance of religiosity in our government. 02/15/12 9:03pm