Articles by Jessica Pennington
04/29/14 11:13pm
Mobile app WELL will allow users to track drink intake
Drinking responsibly 04/24/14 9:44pm
Future advertising might be more socially conscious, but it also risks more public backlash
Changes are coming to advertising. 04/15/14 9:45pm
Finding a family in the club gymnastics team
We at PCG take a unique view to a very competitive sport — it’s all about having fun and staying in shape. The gymnasts on the team range in skill from beginner to very advanced. 04/10/14 8:21pm
Speaking on behalf of the autistic community
Last week, Penn Speaks for Autism painted Penn’s campus blue. Not literally, but by handing out blue ribbons to raise awareness about autism. 02/25/14 8:17pm
Conference teaches digital marketing skills
This week Muse is holding Muse E-Marketing and Engagement week, a five day conference that discusses different areas of digital marketing and includes talks by executives from companies like Google, Anthropologie and EBay. 02/20/14 5:56pm