Articles by Jessica Gooding

07/25/23 12:00am
Jessica Gooding argues that participating in a facade that denies the reality of being Black in America serves to only further the illusion of meritocracy and solidify discrimination. 
05/17/21 12:06am
Columnist Jessica Gooding argues ahead of Tuesday's Democratic Primary for Philadelphia District Attorney that Larry Krasner is the best candidate for a safer, more just, and more equitable city.
05/13/21 11:50pm
In her senior column, columnist Jessica Gooding reflects on how she has been able to find a platform for advocacy at Penn and through the DP.
03/18/21 5:07pm
Columnist Jessica Gooding argues that Penn students must act to address systemic and societal issues brought to the forefront by the pandemic.
02/04/21 10:55am
The Trump family has deep ties to the University. It is time Penn acknowledge this and hold them accountable for their term in the White House.
01/20/21 4:12pm
Penn was one of the few universities to keep the pass/fail grading option for the spring 2021 semester, a step in the right direction for grading equity and accessibility during the pandemic.
11/22/20 8:54pm
We must hear the alarmingly disproportionate cries of Black mothers. We must stop engaging with the disturbing ideas surrounding the strength of Black women as a waiver for their pain.
10/30/20 4:08pm
Former Vice President Biden openly stated how proud he was for his son for overcoming a drug addiction. The elder Biden is right to be proud of his son Hunter’s triumph — we all should take note of his transparency and decency.
09/09/20 8:33pm
Once at Penn, unless we take it upon ourselves, we can skip learning about the ways in which our society is strongly tainted by racism. This must change. All Penn students must be taught how white supremacy directly influences every element of our society. 
08/14/20 10:21pm
With over 1,000 families losing loved ones a day and with no end to the rampage in sight, Penn’s fall revision plans are well-warranted.
08/09/20 4:09pm
There is no doubt that campus initiatives create a space for sustainability education, but they are optional. We need everyone to be knowledgeable about the challenges we face with climate change. 
07/20/20 11:22am
Microaggressions are uncomfortable, harmful, and demeaning for students because they ultimately influence a student’s perception of their ability to excel, feel comfortable and be accepted within the Penn community. 
07/17/20 10:44pm
Poverty is a problem in Philadelphia. Here, one in four residents live below the poverty line, but this reality is not apparent every day on Locust Walk.
07/07/20 1:33pm
Harvard graduate Claira Janover's viral Tik Tok featuring imagery attached to inflicting brutal harm is not acceptable.
06/29/20 3:50pm
With no vaccine or treatment in sight, we are lagging in resources to keep up with our accustomed pace. Members of the Penn community will inevitably get sick.
06/25/20 12:10am
Our policing system has never been fair, it has never represented justice for all, and it will continue to be riddled with injustices until radical change occurs.
06/19/20 4:09pm
As Philadelphia reckons with its own racist statues of Christopher Columbus and Frank Rizzo, now is the time for Penn to do the same on its own campus.
06/18/20 2:03pm
It is up to us, as consumers, to support small, local businesses. We can do this in our hometowns and when we are able to return safely to campus.
06/11/20 9:03pm
As states begin to open, we must acknowledge that COVID-19 has not disappeared and its rampage will continue to rattle families like mine.
06/03/20 2:21pm
 Black Americans do not have the privilege to look at the American flag as a representation of freedom.
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