Articles by Jeff Wieland
01/24/97 5:00am
Slow and sure, Penn holds off Carr, LaSalle
10/17/96 5:00am
COLUMN: Columbia at least gave itself chance to win game
01/15/96 5:00am
Streak at 46 and counting
12/07/95 5:00am
Bowman rallies Penn past Tigers
10/23/95 5:00am
ON THE SIDELINES: Tight ends pave the offensive way
10/09/95 5:00am
ON THE SIDELINES: Cavanaugh wins quarterback battle
09/25/95 5:00am
ON THE SIDELINES: Penn bogs down after the half
09/18/95 5:00am
ON THE SIDELINES: Macik picks up lethargic offense
09/14/95 5:00am
BUILDINGS BLOCKS: DeRosa is now the Ivies' premiere quarterback
05/03/95 5:00am
Baseball clinches Gehrig title
04/03/95 5:00am
IN THE BLEACHERS: Pitching is key to Penn victories
03/28/95 5:00am
Baseball hopes chemistry overcomes accounting
03/15/95 5:00am
Magical 1979 team made Final Four run
03/14/95 5:00am
Penn clinches third consecutive Ivy crown
02/27/95 5:00am
AT COURTSIDE: McCauley does "little" things for Quakers
02/20/95 5:00am