Articles by Jasmine Salters
12/09/13 10:30pm
Guest Column by Jasmine Salters | The usual suspects: 'black men' in 'hooded sweatshirts'
Rather, much like the UPennAlerts, these words function as figurative partitions, used to separate fictitious safety from danger, Penn from greater West Philadelphia, “the haves” from “the have-nots.” 10/31/07 5:00am
$5.5M goal set for new Lubavitch center
The spiritual influence of Penn's Lubavitch leaders will soon translate into something tangible: a new home for over 100 students. The Perelman Center for Jewish Life will house the Lubavitch House at Penn, as well as the Steinhardt/Cayne Jewish Heritage Programs. 10/24/07 5:00am
Heritage week mixes business with pleasure
Asian Pacific American Heritage Week organizers are implementing a work-hard, play-hard attitude toward this week's array of cultural awareness events. Monday night began with a mixed group of about 250 students at Houston Hall listening to music of hip-hop-based duet Blue Scholars and celebrating the diverse heritage of Asian Pacific Americans as part of Asian Pacific American Heritage Week. 10/08/07 5:00am
Robert Walter to star in fall jazz concert
A new concert at the end of the month will bring to campus keyboards, pianos and all that jazz, courtesy of musician Robert Walter. The Social Planning and Events Committee's Jazz division is bringing Walter and dummer Eric Kalb to headline the committee's first-annual jazz show on Oct. 10/01/07 5:00am
Asian students compete for 'biggest' title
Lorenzo Williams and Rhea Gargullo are the biggest Asians on campus. At least according to students who attended last Friday night's Big Asian on Campus, a competition for Asian students to showcase their talents. Williams, a College sophomore, won the crowd over with his oral poetry, while Gargullo, a College senior performed a freestyle dance. 09/21/07 5:00am
LGBT Center celebrates 25th anniversary
Penn's Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center held its 25-year anniversary celebration yesterday afternoon, honoring both the center's success and respected director Robert Schoenberg. About 100 students and faculty members mingled and ate hors d'oeuevres in the center's new lounge inside the Carriage House as they celebrated the efforts of one of nation's oldest and most active LGBT centers. 09/19/07 5:00am
CURF members depart Penn
The Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships recently experienced staffing changes after three employees, including former director Arthur Casciato, left over the summer. In August, Casciato joined Rutgers University, where he is now the director of external fellowships and post-graduate guidance. 09/07/07 5:00am
Minority groups welcome new students
Freshmen were already welcomed to Penn during Convocation, but second welcomings were widely available last night. Many Penn students were greeted once again yesterday as a number of Penn's student minority organizations invited the incoming class and returning students. 03/15/07 5:00am
Paul Farmer fights for world health
Few people would guess that a Harvard professor and renowned physician would have much of a sense-of-humor - that is, until they meet Paul Farmer. From lightly asking permission from SAS Dean Rebecca Bushnell and College Dean Dennis DeTurck to telling anecdotes to remarking on a patient recovering from malnutrition having to do sit-ups after gaining back a lot of weight, Farmer infused his informative lecture with humour before a packed Irvine Auditorium yesterday afternoon. 02/22/07 5:00am
Pro-Life, -Choice debate continues
Should there be people allowed to determine whose lives are worth living? Is it up to any person to decide when someone else should die? According to Wesley Smith, a noted anti-euthanasia activist and popular bioethics writer, the answer to both questions is "no. 02/08/07 5:00am
Former New Orleans mayor urges student aid
"A great American city is literally fighting for survival." And Marc Morial, the former Mayor of New Orleans, is urging Penn students to help rebuild the city in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The 1980 College alumna asked students how they "wanted to be counted," challenging their participation in community outreach. 01/30/07 5:00am