Articles by Giavanni Alves

12/08/15 11:13pm
It’s that time of the semester again. That point when for many students, our questioning of our validity and our futures is probably at its strongest.
11/18/15 2:21am
Injustice and violence are rampant, equality is still a dream, the civil rights movement is in Act 2 of a seemingly never-ending play and innocent lives are taken on a daily basis for reasons that are both illogical and unsubstantiated.
10/20/15 9:26pm
The celebration of affinities is not something that needs to be scheduled in order to be recognized or appreciated.
09/22/15 11:06pm
I have been groped from virtually every possible angle, dragged to the wall, pulled away from a female friend that I was dancing with and flung onto a guy, been at the retrieving end of “f**k that bitch” one too many times after ignoring men’s thirsty presence and repeatedly grabbed and attempted to be danced with by men that I resisted.
09/08/15 11:18pm
You and I whoever we may be — neighbors, classmates, or strangers that pass on Locust — we are more similar than we think.
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