Articles by Francesco Salamone
02/25/25 6:00am
Francesco Salamone | Is Penn just a marriage market?
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that elite colleges act as marriage markets but romantic relationships do not demand compatibility; they necessitate complementarity. 01/28/25 8:13pm
Francesco Salamone | You are absolutely nobody (but that’s fine)
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that identity is a mosaic of external influences, challenging the illusion of a self-made “I.” 01/16/25 6:00am
Francesco Salamone | UPenn or UPain? Why they say we’re the most depressed university
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that anesthetizing pain, instead of voicing it, may unveil why many say Penn is the most depressed university. 11/19/24 3:13pm
Francesco Salamone | First years, stop listening to upperclassmen right now (including me)
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that a proliferation of upperclassmen bellwethers giving excessive bogus advice is making first years feel inadequate. 10/24/24 9:11am
Francesco Salamone | Find Penn hard? Take these elitist shortcuts!
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that elitism fosters a culture of shortcuts and entitlement, undermining intellectual curiosity and the true purpose of education. 09/25/24 8:33pm
Francesco Salamone | The beauty of not knowing what to do with your life
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that the relentless pursuit of certainty robs us of one simple gift: the liberation found in embracing uncertainty. 09/10/24 12:19am
Francesco Salamone | You may have eyes, but do you know how to see?
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that our distracted, inattentive eye causes us to be blind to each other, and simply noticing is where we should start. 08/29/24 3:17pm
Francesco Salamone | I wasted my time this summer, and I will in the fall too
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that our view of time as useful or wasted is broken and letting time “just be” can be life changing. 04/28/24 8:21am
Francesco Salamone | Social status pie: The hierarchy game we all play
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that the craving to be seen and admired plays a larger role in campus dynamics than we think, socially and psychologically. 04/16/24 11:15am
Francesco Salamone | Please sit down and just exist
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that embracing purposeless solitude is crucial for self-discovery and inner peace. 03/20/24 10:51pm
Francesco Salamone | Let’s talk about dying!
Columnist Francesco Salamone explores the isolating experience of grief, urging active companionship and open dialogue about death. 02/19/24 6:00am