Articles by Diane Bayeux
04/29/14 7:09pm
Diane Bayeux | Rethinking Sexual Orientation
Coming out seems to have taken on a much more important stake than it’s supposed to. It’s not supposed to be that way. There is no one type of person that can bring you everything you need and want. 04/15/14 6:05pm
Diane Bayeux | Advocating AIDS awareness
As many of you know, Philadelphia has a lot of thrift stores, whether in our bubble of West Philly, in Center City or on South Street. 04/06/14 6:51pm
Diane Bayeux | For art's sake
Perhaps the true motives that need to be discussed here are those of the audience. Indeed, an artwork is valued on different levels according to the public’s reaction. Without the public, an artwork can sit in an empty space forever. 03/17/14 6:26pm
Diane Bayeux | In defense of a viral first kiss
Soko explained that while she wanted to kiss more, she also could not let go of the will to know her partner in the sense that once a connection is made, it is hard to let go of. This is one of the most beautiful things to take away from that video. 02/27/14 7:32pm
Diane Bayeux | The right to be alone
When I applied for housing last year, I automatically opted for the single option. Like every new freshman, I wondered whether having a roommate would enable me to attain the social scene of Penn more easily but rapidly gave up on that moment of hesitation upon reassessing the fact that I like being on my own. 02/12/14 6:31pm
Diane Bayeux | Blue Eroticization
The controversy surrounding "Blue is the Warmest Color" has also been especially fierce because it is one of the first movies to display the relationship between two women without allowing its audience to reduce it to pornography. 01/23/14 5:42pm