Articles by Beatriz Báez
11/24/24 8:15pm
Beatriz Báez | A floating island treated like garbage
Columnist Beatriz Báez discusses Puerto Rico’s status and examines the relationship between the political influence of Puerto Ricans in the U.S. versus their role within the island itself. 11/10/24 6:36pm
Beatriz Báez | Phone home
Columnist Beatriz Báez calls for regional-based, international communities at the University and investigates the effects caused by staying in the United States. 04/30/24 12:12pm
Beatriz Báez | The doctor will, in fact, not see you now
Columnist Beatriz Báez investigates the University of Pennsylvania Health System’s current inefficiencies and discusses the need for a deep reconstruction. 03/15/24 8:12am