Articles by ANNE DOBSON

05/16/08 5:00am

Anne Dobson | Accept imperfection

Shortly before I graduated from high school, I opened a fortune cookie that would change my life forever. "The work of the world cannot wait for perfect people," it read. I was a girl who was plagued by self-doubt throughout high school - a girl in love with the idea of going off to college (proudly sporting a Penn sweatshirt during her senior spring) but who was terrified of messing up an experience that she knew could impact her entire future.
03/07/08 5:00am

Background checks a possibility for tutors

One of Penn's most popular student organizations may be in jeopardy following the School District of Philadelphia's proposed implementation of stricter volunteer policies. The West Philadelphia Tutoring Project partners with local schools to provide one-on-one tutoring and mentoring opportunities with over 300 Penn students.
02/11/08 5:00am

Penn will not endorse candidate

Could College Hall become the next campaign soapbox? Several university presidents have chosen to endorse a candidate in the 2008 presidential election, but Penn President Amy Gutmann says she will not be one of them. As nonprofit organizations, universities are legally prohibited from engaging in campaign-related activities, Political Science professor and Fels Institute director Don Kettl said.
01/29/08 5:00am
The campaign for the United States presidency is reaching a feverish pitch. And as the group of Democratic and Republican candidates diminishes, the level of swift-boating and misleading statements will only continue to rise, according to Brooks Jackson, director of the Washington D.C.-based nonprofit whistle-blowing organization, which is run through Penn's Annenberg Public Policy Center.
11/19/07 5:00am

News Brief: Prof co-authors bio-security suggestions

Harvey Rubin, director of Penn's Institute for Strategic Analysis and Response, has contributed to a five-point roadmap for increasing worldwide biosecurity, according to a University press release. A Consensus Statement of Priority Actions for the Promotion of Global Biosecurity presents recommendations - such as the development of an international database monitoring biological holdings and infectious disease patterns and the promotion of global compliance standards and law enforcement - in order to better prevent and respond to biological terrorism.
10/31/07 5:00am

News Brief: Physicians offer free vascular screening

Physicians at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania will offer complimentary screenings for vascular conditions such as peripheral artery disease and abdominal aortic aneurysms today in the Bodek Lounge of Houston Hall. Peripheral artery disease, or P.
10/31/07 5:00am

El Vez Restaurant: El Vez offers cha-cha time, day or night

Upon entering El Vez, one of the first things to catch the eye is a glittering low-rider bicycle slowly rotating above the bar. The installation, says hostess manager Nicole Bell, epitomizes the "Mexico meets East L.A." theme prevailing in both the ambiance and cuisine of popular restaurateur Steven Starr's ninth dining venture.
10/29/07 5:00am

News Brief: Brain waves key to managing memory

University researchers have determined that particular brain waves help distinguish real memories from false ones, according to a press release. Their study is the first to show that brain waves predict the veracity of human memories. The findings from the experiments may also help advance research into epilepsy.
10/19/07 5:00am

News Brief: Therapeutics center to get $4 million award

Penn's Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics will receive $4 million to continue research into infection therapies, according to a press release. "This award allows us to continue and expand our work in improving the use of antibiotics, incorporating the new tools of health IT," said Penn CERT director Brian Strom.
10/10/07 5:00am

News Brief: U. researchers test kidney cancer drug

Researchers at the School of Medicine and the Abramson Cancer Center will lead a nationwide trial of anti-cancer drug combinations in patients with advanced kidney cancer, according to a Penn Medicine press release. "This trial takes three proven drugs, and combines then into two drug combinations," Medicine Keith Flaherty said in a statement.
10/04/07 5:00am

Wharton receives $2 million donation

Wharton alumnus Robert Haft has made a two million dollar gift to his alma mater to establish an Entrepreneur-in-Residence Endowment Fund, according to a press release. Haft, who graduated with a degree in Finance in 1974, is the founder and chairman of Main Street Lender and the founder of health-care investment company Morgan Noble.
09/19/07 5:00am

News Brief: Engineers develop nanoscale memory

Penn engineers have developed nanowires capable of retrieving data a thousand times faster than existing portable memory devices, according to a University news release. "This new form of memory has the potential to revolutionize the way we share information, transfer data and even download entertainment as consumers," said Ritesh Agarwal, an assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
09/19/07 5:00am

News Brief: New neurosurgery chief at Pa. Hospital

The University of Pennsylvania Health System has appointed William Welch to Chief of Neurosurgery at Pennsylvania Hospital, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. Welch is a professor of Neurosurgery in the Penn School of Medicine and part of the neurosurgery team at the Penn Neurological Institute.
09/14/07 5:00am

News Brief: Construction stalls traffic on Walnut, 36th

Penn's Division of Public Safety has released a traffic advisory due to ongoing construction on the Annenberg School for Communication. Lane closures near the construction site began Wednesday morning. The closures are expected to last between two and three weeks.
09/13/07 5:00am

News Brief: Strom appointed Penn Med vice dean

Chair and professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology Brian Strom has been appointed vice dean for institutional affairs in the School of Medicine and senior adviser to the provost for global health initiatives, according to a press release from the Office of the Provost.
07/26/07 5:00am

Guest Columnist | Just what the nurse ordered?

Back in January, Gov. Ed Rendell announced his "Prescription for Pennsylvania," a comprehensive plan aimed at making quality health care accessible and affordable for all, particularly for low-income residents. Last Friday, in the School of Nursing's Fagin Hall, Rendell signed some of the first such pieces of legislation.
05/31/07 5:00am

Guest Columnist | A passion for reading, slowly destroyed

It was 9:00 on one of the last nights of finals week. I patted myself on the back for managing to get a seat among the crowd of Penn students cramming at the Bucks County cafe on the corner 40th and Locust streets, and I settled in for a few hours of reviewing for my last final of the semester, a cumulative exam for one of my English classes.
05/11/07 5:00am
College senior Jenn Rineer has spent the last four years benefitting from the Philadelphia community, and now she's preparing to return the favor. Rineer is one of four graduating Penn seniors to receive a year-long fellowship to live and work in the city as part of the up-and-coming Philly Fellows program.
04/25/07 5:00am

News Brief: Penn Vet creates new leadership award

The School of Veterinary Medicine announced on Monday that it is launching a new award. The Penn Vet World Leadership in Animal Health Award "has been designed to recognize innovation, creativity and leadership in the veterinary profession anywhere in the world," according to a press release.
04/25/07 5:00am

News Brief: Council candidate to refuse car if elected

Bill Green, a Democratic candidate for Philadelphia City Council at-large, said that, if elected, he will refuse the public-funded car each council member receives, according to a press release. On Sunday, Green recognized Earth Day by calling for a change in the way the city, and especially city leaders, address environmental issues.
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