Articles by Anastasia Russell
04/19/23 5:53pm
Penn graduate Elon Musk merges Twitter with X Corp. to form a private company
Twitter, Inc. will cease to exist after the merger, according to court documents. 03/30/23 2:05am
Penn Daily: Thursday, March 30 briefing
Listen to the top headlines on Thursday, March 30 with our newsletter anchor. 03/29/23 7:58pm
Penn ranked No. 7 on Princeton Review's 'dream' college list
Out of the top ten universities named by applicants as their "dream" schools, Penn ranked higher than five other Ivy League institutions. 03/21/23 7:29pm
Ukrainian visiting scholars spend a year at Penn to continue education amidst ongoing conflict
The program, founded by two Russian and Eastern European Studies professors, seeks to help Ukrainians whose studies were disrupted by the war. 02/26/23 11:49pm