Articles by Amanda Wolkin
11/17/10 4:25am
Amanda Please | Drunk on technology
First, people had face-to-face drunk conversations. Then, drunk phone calls, drunk e-mailing followed and drunk texting. Most recently, the worst of all has arrived: drunk social networking. 11/03/10 3:02am
Amanda Please | Not too parentally attached
Yes, we talk to our parents more now than our professors did when they went to college. But that doesn’t hinder our ability to succeed — if anything, it keeps us grounded. 10/20/10 4:45am
Amanda Please | Far from the real veritas
Apparently, the creators of The Social Network thought their viewers could not deal with the facts. The old Harvard has undergone a much-needed makeover. 09/29/10 4:17am
Amanda Please | The credit students deserve
Taking AP and IB courses should not only be a stepping stone for students to get into Penn, but also a stepping stone for them to take a more advanced course load. 09/15/10 4:36am