Articles by Alice Lee
04/12/12 10:09pm
Alice Lee | Spring Fling — There's an app for that
Fling is fun, though when it comes to logistics, it can be annoyingly complicated. You’ve got to figure out where to go, when and with whom. 03/16/12 12:15am
Alice Lee | 30 days of coffee and conversation
Some people might find the idea of grabbing coffee with a stranger a rather weird and awkward activity. If someone I didn’t know had approached me a year ago, I would have been weirded out. 02/16/12 11:21pm
Alice Lee | Why I did not drop out of Penn
What is the true value of a structured Penn education in comparison to the education that the rest of the world has to offer? This question is particularly relevant to students who wish to pursue nontraditional careers or have a pure thirst for learning. 02/03/12 12:07am
Alice Lee | Got a passion? Pursue it. Relentlessly.
If you know you won’t be passionate about a job in finance or consulting but plan on joining the 52 percent of Penn graduates who go into these fields anyway, this column is also for you. 01/20/12 12:19am
Alice Lee | Save the internet, #StopSOPA
If the Stop Online Privacy Act passed and went into effect, I think I would miss Kanye West’s tweets the most. 09/21/09 10:29pm