Articles by Akshat Shekhar
09/28/14 9:47pm
Akshat Shekhar | Eat, read and be merry
The next bucket of cases centers around vague, almost meaningless benefits, such as “learning how to learn” and “learning for its own sake.” The latter advantage is particularly dubious; roller coasters are ridden for their own sake, the experience to be quickly forgotten once the seat belt is unbuckled. In the current environment, would a student really embark on a course of study whose benefits leave him as soon as he obtains a diploma, just for its own sake? 09/07/14 6:04pm
Akshat Shekhar | Not just another game
Overall, though, the student body does not fear missing out on athletic contests because the University refuses to treat sports as anything out of the ordinary. We all know athletes and wish them well, in the same way that we hope for the successes of our friends who are a cappella singers and dancers. 02/23/14 10:33pm
Akshat Shekhar | The key to failure
We need to acknowledge that not only are these failures OK, but that they are inescapable for anyone trying to achieve on the daily basis what most students at Penn are. 02/13/14 6:50pm
Akshat Shekhar | Getting to blah
We are to believe that a league in which three teams have signed Tim Tebow to a contract now considers media circuses anathema. 02/05/14 5:34pm
Akshat Shekhar | Straight Outta Compton
To stereotype Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City because of its creator’s hometown and its Wikipedia page is to fail to understand it. To fail to reward GKMC is to prove your complete ignorance of it. 01/28/14 5:53pm
Akshat Shekhar | Location, location, location
Rhetoric about fairness, supply and demand, GSR abuse and the “One University Policy” will be thrown around, while we wallow in the inequity of having to walk a couple of blocks to study. 01/16/14 8:04pm