Articles by Adam Silver
03/27/13 10:08pm
Adam Silver | Rethinking and reforming College requirements
This is the problem with requirements: they don’t make sense. So many courses that obviously should fill them just don’t. 03/21/13 1:01am
Adam Silver | Beneath the border
What is basically a prohibition of drugs in the United States and of guns in Mexico creates an extraordinary demand for the illicit products in each country — a demand addressed by drug cartels. 03/14/13 1:17am
Adam Silver | What we can all do
Politics today is riddled with stories of candidates rising from the one-bedroom log cabin to the political stratosphere. Yet rarely have I come across a candidate quite like Williams, a man who, for nine months, had to plea for money, search for food — often in trash cans — and find a warm place to sleep. 02/20/13 11:27pm
Adam Silver | Size doesn't matter
But what sounds good in a political ad doesn’t necessarily make good policy sense. If we allow ourselves to continue to pursue big vs. little, we might forget the more important fight: smarter vs. dumber. 02/06/13 9:06pm
Adam Silver | The NFL is … socialist
Among professional sports, the NFL is unique — a look at the different financial structures of other sports leagues makes the NFL’s socialist tendency even more apparent. Although Americans call European soccer a socialist sport, it is far more capitalist than our beloved NFL. 01/22/13 12:52am
Adam Silver | Give him a chance
Obama has not had the opportunity to create a New Deal, Great Society, New Beginning or any lasting doctrine. This is not his fault — it is the result of partisanship, gridlock and vitriol. 12/15/12 9:58pm
Adam Silver | Why don’t we talk about it?
No child, man or woman should be a political football — especially in a time of fragility and mourning — but there comes a point when a political conversation is necessary. 12/05/12 1:42am
Adam Silver | Looking over the cliff
Although a deal is all we hear about now, we didn’t talk about it during the election. While the deficit is scary, it isn’t what people or candidates care about. 11/28/12 1:16am
Adam Silver | Sharing in success
Everyone wants to be associated with success. When they invest in something that blossoms, they take a share of it. 11/07/12 3:18am
Adam Silver | A Democrat thrives in a conservative era
The past four years have been some of the most challenging of this century. But the country is moving out of these hard times and into a new era. While it will remain a conservative era, Democratic governance — and Obama — will thrive within it. 10/31/12 1:39am
Adam Silver | Paranormal politics
The politics of fear has created scary laws that stain American history. The question now is, what type of policy will the fear we see in this campaign give way to? 10/23/12 10:53pm
Adam Silver | Swearing off election night stands
Politicians take advantage of us simply because we let them. We allow ourselves to be persuaded by the wrong things. 10/10/12 1:39am
Adam Silver | Putting people over politics
Mindless partisanship, where voters act like sports fans, has leaked down to the lowest levels of each party. It has even seeped onto this campus. 10/03/12 1:37am
Adam Silver | Wherever the wind blows
Come November, Romney will lose because a man who tries to stand for everything stands for nothing. 09/25/12 11:59pm
Adam Silver | Connecting on common ground
Last weekend, my mom and I went to two Bruce Springsteen concerts in New Jersey. I still haven’t found the guts to ask her whether seeing me or Bruce was more of a priority. 09/19/12 1:30am
Adam Silver | Thank you for not surfing
The main reason I try not to surf the web in class is privacy. I don’t want people behind me to know that the only person who ever chats me online is Sara Silver (my mom). 09/11/12 11:26pm
Adam Silver | The democratic infomercial
Although the formalities of the old still echo the halls of the convention — there are voice votes, motions and even a gavel — it is no longer a place for a party to pick a nominee. 09/05/12 12:37am
Adam Silver | From Cairo to Charlotte
If there ever was a part of American democracy that a newly enfranchised democrat should see, this is it. 08/28/12 10:14pm