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Front Breaking

02/14/23 11:53pm
An outcome that might have broken the spirits of many sports fans across the country seemed to actually bring the city closer together Sunday night.
02/14/23 10:32pm
The Democrats’ 102 to 101 majority marks the party’s first House majority in 12 years. 
02/14/23 10:00pm
Friends at Clark Park has been working on the master plan for 18 months and is now halfway through the community engagement phase.
02/14/23 8:22pm
The report gauged people's perceived data security on different platforms, such as websites, social media, doorbell cameras, and smart TVs.
02/14/23 8:06pm
The agreements will allow the three universities to collaborate on research and initiatives aiming to improve oral health.
02/14/23 7:05pm
Columnist Sangitha Aiyer encourages widespread celebration this February 14th.
02/14/23 1:18pm
The DP surveyed 1,008 undergraduates — approximately 10% of the student population — and found that 68.2% said that they are sexually active.
02/14/23 2:18am
Abinusawa's brother Olatide is a senior, also on Penn track & field.
02/14/23 2:09am
The 2018 graduate became the first Penn alum to play in the Super Bowl.
02/14/23 12:55am
Listen to the top headlines on Tuesday, Feb. 14 with our newsletter anchor.
02/13/23 11:06pm
Karikó, a professor of neurosurgery at Penn, and Weissman, a Roberts Family Professor in Vaccine Research, are well-known for their research into messenger RNA.
02/13/23 11:00pm
Associate Vice Provost for University Life Will Atkins made the announcement on Feb. 10 in an email to the center's students, faculty, and stakeholders.
02/13/23 10:46pm
Penn Arab Student Society, Fenjan: The Middle East Journal, Penn Muslim Students Association, Penn Afghan Students Association, and Penn Students Against the Occupation are collecting donations to provide immediate relief to survivors.
02/13/23 8:17pm
Columnist Fiona Miller discusses the work-life imbalance and the pressures of navigating optional work events. 
02/13/23 7:58pm
Six of the eight Ivy League Universities will be led by a woman starting this fall. 
02/13/23 7:34pm
The junior has been making the most of an increased role this year to impact the game outside of just the points column. 
02/13/23 1:02am
Thousands of people gathered as soon as the final whistle blew, and the mood was largely somber and bitter throughout campus and the city.
02/13/23 12:53am
After interrupting the event, community members from the Coalition to Save the UC Townhomes and other students joined the demonstration as they marched from Huntsman Hall to the UC Townhomes.
02/12/23 4:46pm
Nikola Jokic? One of the Curry brothers? Though they play in different leagues, the similarities between these players and their Penn counterparts are undeniable.
02/12/23 2:45pm
The report was published online on the Undergraduate Assembly’s website to update the Penn community on the work that the UA has been undertaking and ensure that they remain accountable to the student body.