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Front Breaking

08/31/23 7:42pm
Hwang’s project focuses on developing smart implant technology that prevents infection, addressing the most common reason for implant failure and removal. 
08/31/23 9:23am
Listen to the top headlines on Thursday, August 31st with our newsletter anchor.
08/31/23 1:38am
Guest columnists and professors Amy C. Offner and Emily Steinlight argue that Penn’s anti-union campaigns aim to interfere with workers’ right to organize, and that they threaten faculty members’ ability to do their jobs with integrity.
08/30/23 11:01pm
This Transfer Critical Writing Seminar is a pilot program and if it is successful, it will be considered again for future semesters. 
08/30/23 10:42pm
Here are the athletes and matchups to look out for in Quaker competition this fall. 
08/30/23 9:52pm
In the memorandum, Williams voiced his concern that allowing legacy admissions at Pennsylvania universities would violate the recent Supreme Court ruling regarding affirmative action.
08/30/23 9:48pm
PAACH welcomed new director Mei Long on July 3, filling a vacancy created after the abrupt departure of former Director Peter Van Do in September 2022.
08/30/23 9:16pm
According to the data, approximately 30% of the Class of 2026 did not submit test scores in 2022. 
08/30/23 6:56pm
The pilot program, which runs at Henry C. Lea Elementary School and Andrew Hamilton School, aims to help students stay engaged in the classroom.
08/30/23 8:42am
Guest columnist Suhani Patel recommends adding a mandatory introductory computer science class to Penn's general education curriculum. 
08/30/23 1:59am
Guest columnist and College senior Daniel Gurevitch offers offbeat advice to the incoming class of 2027.
08/30/23 12:15am
Residents of The Mason said that the building has previously faced issues regarding security, safety, and communication.
08/29/23 11:21pm
Listen to the top headlines on Wednesday, August 30th with our newsletter anchor.
08/29/23 10:59pm
A non-partisan caucus announced 18 initial target stadiums for preservations and enhancements. 
08/29/23 9:52pm
Penn's 223 RAs will have the chance to partake in an on-campus election Sept. 27 and 28.
08/29/23 9:50pm
Although the program is not directly affiliated with Penn organizations, its members overlap closely with the Black Student Association, which helps advertise the program to incoming freshmen. 
08/29/23 9:17pm
Penn offers a free service to help faculty, staff, and postdoctoral researchers and fellows navigate the nationally offered Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program.
08/29/23 6:00am
Penn President Liz Magill welcomes students back for another school year at Penn and celebrates leaders in Penn’s community. 
08/29/23 12:36am
From meeting Penn President Liz Magill during move in to spending an evening at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and witnessing the annual Convocation ceremony, these first moments for the Class of 2027 and transfer students marked their early transition to Penn.
08/28/23 10:55pm
The program brought together an inaugural cohort of 39 incoming first-years from 18 countries for a three-day pre-orientation.