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Student Life

11/30/16 11:35pm
Penn's Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention group celebrated its annual “Got Consent?” photo campaign at a launch party Wednesday evening.
11/30/16 1:26am
Anastasia Efremkina is a sophomore in the School of Engineering pursuing a degree in computer science.
11/30/16 1:25am
For College junior Madeline Moore, the cure to blood cancer is just a few thousand cheek swabs away.
11/30/16 1:24am
One company has a successful commercial and philanthropic business model based on something unexpected: tampons.  Following the philanthropic business models of Toms Shoes and Warby Parker, the company Cora is helping to redefine the feminine hygiene landscape across India and Kenya.
11/30/16 1:22am
For some students, coming to Penn is their first taste of the United States, and it's not exactly what they expected. 
11/29/16 1:29am
1968 Wharton graduate and President-elect Donald Trump's surprise victory sparked disappointment and conflict on Penn's campus — but other nearby college campuses didn't necessarily have the same reaction.
11/29/16 1:28am
What 3 International Students did over Thanksgiving For many Penn students, Thanksgiving break means going back home to reunite with family, catch up on sleep, and feast on turkey.
11/29/16 1:27am
In light of the sweeping Republican victory in both the White House and Congress, The Daily Pennsylvanian sat down last week with writers at the conservative student news publication, The Statesman, in order to talk politics.
11/29/16 1:26am
Tarka, which serves Pakistani, Indo-Chinese and Japanese food, was among ten establishments instructed by the Philadelphia Department of Health to “discontinue food operations immediately” due to “imminent health hazards.” 
11/28/16 11:16pm
Welcome back from Thanksgiving break — here are some events to get you through the first week back.
11/23/16 10:48pm
Can’t go home this Thanksgiving? Not sure what to do this coming break? No problem!
11/22/16 12:41am
The traditional brass key lock on the door of your on-campus room is about to get a major upgrade. 
11/21/16 10:32pm
Penn’s campus may be closed on Thanksgiving, but that hasn't stopped several groups on and around campus from celebrating the holiday.
11/21/16 2:29am
Dog may be man’s best friend, but the bond between graduate student Lindsay Jones and her yellow lab is even stronger.
11/21/16 2:26am
The event was more than just planning — many of the freshmen formed relationships with the residents. 
11/21/16 2:25am
Even though Camp Kesem only lasts one week, it has a year-round impact.
11/21/16 2:23am
Singer, actress and newly-published author Anna Kendrick took center stage Friday night alongside psychology professor Angela Duckworth.
11/20/16 3:25pm
Current dogma tells companies that if they want to sell to young people, they need to turn to the internet.
11/20/16 12:54pm
Experts are unsure how much the price of certain beverages will increase once Philadelphia’s “soda tax” goes into effect on Jan. 1.
11/17/16 10:26pm
The walkout, organized by Students Organizing for Unity and Liberation in partnership with Black Graduate Students, brought protesters to College Green, is the latest in string of protests related to the racist GroupMe messages.