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Student Life

05/11/22 12:42pm
Relive the Class of 2022's junior year at Penn, which featured two fully virtual semesters as well as celebrations following Joe Biden's the election as president.
05/11/22 12:41pm
Relive the Class of 2022's sophomore year at Penn, which was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic turning the world upside down.
05/10/22 2:48pm
On May 10, Kweder and his long-time guitarist Mark Teague will perform at Smokes' for the 1,500th consecutive Tuesday night, a streak that survived the COVID-19 pandemic.
05/08/22 11:54pm
This year's ceremony will feature speeches from Interim President Wendell Pritchett, University Chaplain Chaz Howard, and guest speaker and Penn professor Dorothy Roberts.
05/08/22 11:51pm
Dansiger will return to Penn on May 15 to graduate in the third cohort of students in Penn’s online Master of Health Care Innovation program.
05/08/22 9:25pm
The award-winning documentary filmmaker will deliver Penn’s 2022 commencement speech on May 16. 
04/27/22 11:06pm
This year, the fair will feature about 60 vendors, selling jewelry, candles, pottery, and knitted goods, and about 20 nonprofit community tables.
04/27/22 11:05pm
Du Bois College House was founded in 1972 to promote retention and academic success of Black students at Penn. Fifty years later, however, Black students drew attention to the increasing number of non-Black residents.
04/27/22 10:56pm
At this year's Hey Day, juniors will don plastic hats instead of the classic styrofoam as they walk down Locust Walk on April 28.
04/27/22 4:06am
During the week of April 8, members of Period@Penn placed a total of more than 6,300 Always brand menstrual pads and tampons in bathrooms in 12 high-traffic buildings.
04/27/22 2:13am
Earth Week was held from April 18 to April 22.
04/27/22 12:23am
A total of 304 community members tested positive for COVID-19 last week — down 479 from the week before — during the five-day period when indoor masks were required in public spaces. 
04/27/22 12:17am
Members of Penn’s Kite and Key Society, the oldest student volunteer organization on campus, will receive compensation for their work within the society starting in fall 2022.
04/25/22 10:23pm
Penn Rocketry — a student group founded by College and Wharton sophomore Scott Shrager in November 2021 — traveled to Pittsburgh on Sunday to launch eight high-powered model rockets.
04/25/22 5:08am
U-Night, organized by the 2024 Class Board, is returning for the first time since 2019 and will take place on College Green from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
04/25/22 12:07am
The change in COVID-19 masking policy came five days after Penn and the City of Philadelphia began enforcing an indoor mask mandate in non-classroom settings.
04/21/22 10:35pm
FFP's demands include Penn's public condemnation of the fossil fuel industry, defunding the University's Police Department, and banning oil and gas companies from job recruitment programming.
04/21/22 10:31pm
In an email sent to students and alumni of Penn Hillel, Sorgeloos announced that she is leaving Penn to start a new job as a consultant for a nonprofit organization in Washington.
04/21/22 7:58pm
The program provides one-on-one mentoring opportunities where Penn student "bigs" meet with their "littles" at their Philadelphia school for lunch once a week. 
04/20/22 11:42pm
Williamson, a nationally acclaimed author of 13 books, is also a progressive political activist and founder of several nonprofit organizations.