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Student Life

11/04/14 9:43pm
There is probably no single course on-campus that is as profoundly hated as the writing seminar. Organic chemistry plagues the pre-med, math is feared by many, BEPP is the bane of the Wharton freshman, but the writing seminar is the common enemy of all.
11/03/14 10:48pm
Although I subscribe to the belief that, in our advanced society, it’s wrong to kill animals for food, I understand that we live in a world where there are enough starving people that moral outrage on behalf of the exploited honey bee seems a little misplaced, and where the objectification of women causes enough damage that PETA’s “I’d rather go naked than wear fur” campaign makes me worry more about the state of women in our society than the state of cattle.
11/02/14 10:39pm
However, there is one thing that tends to separate athletics from other extracurriculars: risk of serious injury. I can think of few other extracurriculars where there is a real possibility of suffering injuries such as concussions, torn ligaments and broken bones, including the spine.
01/01/70 9:00pm
Establishing a relationship with a long term care provider can be difficult, even with the help of the referral coordinator.
01/01/70 7:00pm
When disaster struck in Paris last week, Penn Abroad went into emergency mode. 
01/01/70 1:00am
Of the 450 students currently enrolled in study abroad programs, only 41 of those students are engineers, and just four are nurses.