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Student Life

04/14/16 2:31am
A group of Penn students read anonymously submitted testimonials about struggling with mental health in an hourlong demonstration on College Green entitled “You Are Not Alone: A Demonstration of Support for Mental Health Awareness."
04/13/16 2:30am
The EP, which was released this February, is the second in three years for Elizabeth Goran.
04/13/16 2:26am
News of the suicide raised concerns among prospective as well as current students.
04/13/16 2:12am
This flurry of safety alerts seems to point to an increase in crime during this past March, but the statistics suggest that crime trends have remained steady.
04/12/16 2:50am
Organized by SASgov, a graduate student government group for the School of Arts and Sciences, the forum on Monday allowed graduate students to raise questions for Associate Dean for Graduate Studies Eve Troutt Powell. Issues of financing and diversity loomed throughout the course of the discussion.
04/12/16 2:31am
April is Autism Awareness Month and Penn Speaks for Autism is working to get a dialogue started about Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD.
04/12/16 2:24am
On April 8, Fossil Free Penn released a letter in support of divestment from fossil fuels that was signed by 100 faculty members across 10 out of the 12 schools at Penn.
04/11/16 3:07pm
Kong died Monday morning at the 40th Street Station on SEPTA’s Market-Frankford line, according to an email sent to undergraduates by Provost Vincent Price and President Amy Gutmann at 2:22 p.m. 
04/11/16 1:46am
This spring, Penn awarded three Penn seniors up to $100,000 each to implement projects that they hope will change the world. Here's a look at each of the winners:
04/11/16 1:45am
This past weekend, over a hundred LGBTQ youth and allies from all over the state convened on Penn’s campus for the three-day Pennsylvania Youth Action Conference.
04/08/16 10:43pm
Take Back the Night is an international event and non-profit organization, but at Penn it takes the form of a rally, a march across campus and a speak-out where survivors of sexual violence share their stories.
04/08/16 2:28am
This weekend’s fifth annual TEDxPenn conference seeks to present 12 speakers from diverse backgrounds at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts and hopes to deliver TED's motto of “Ideas Worth Spreading” to Penn's campus.
04/07/16 3:53am
A recent survey by Chicago-based job search engine CareerBuilder showed that more and more job positions have increased education qualifications required in the past 5 years.
04/07/16 3:45am
A number of RAs and GAs believe that their identities have allowed them to be more sensitive and receptive to certain issues.
04/07/16 3:43am
One of the first assignments under anthropology course “Food and Fire” (ANTH148) is to make your own knife.
04/07/16 3:38am
Film and video groups have always lacked a cohesive acronym of their own — until now.
04/07/16 3:37am
Engineering freshman Andre Wallace has been dedicated to fighting racism since he was in high school.
04/07/16 3:36am
College sophomore Makayla Reynolds was elected as the first black female class president in Penn’s history this past Friday night.
04/07/16 3:34am
The Daily Pennsylvanian sat down with McKay and Park to discuss what they hope to bring to the 44th UA Session in 2016-17 and what they hope to accomplish by the end of their term.
04/06/16 1:44am
LPS students often have already faced a difficult journey just to get to Penn, but financial aid policies and curriculum constraints often present additional challenges upon arrival.