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09/30/15 1:26am
Adam Parkhomenko, national director of grassroots engagement at Hillary for America, spoke at Penn on Tuesday night at the invitation of Penn Democrats.
09/28/15 10:52pm
Carly Fiorina will be making waves at Donald Trump’s alma mater.
09/24/15 2:43am
Penn has yet another student group throwing its support behind a 2016 presidential candidate – one who isn’t even running. New group Penn for Biden has a unique obstacle: Joe Biden has not declared that he is running for president.
09/23/15 10:37pm
As of this November, Donald Trump won’t be the only GOP candidate to have claim to Penn.
09/23/15 12:41pm
On Tuesday night, the Government and Politics Association brought former Senator Mark Pryor to speak at Penn. 
09/22/15 2:27am
Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig is the fourth political outsider in the 2016 election cycle.
09/21/15 1:41am
A 6'3" Obama lookalike, Gabe Delaney has had a journey in Penn politics that shaped his character and mission, and, he hopes, made a lasting impact on the next generation of Penn leaders. 
09/20/15 12:00pm
Penn's college houses have created a unique forum for residential civic engagement.
09/17/15 1:25am
Say hello to Penn for Trump, the latest pro-candidate group to establish itself on campus.
09/13/15 4:00pm
Since the 2012 presidential election, Penn's political group offerings have flourished.
09/13/15 2:00pm
Though the administration has been silent about Penn's history with 1968 Wharton grad Donald Trump, the DP compiled a timeline of his relationship with the school.
09/09/15 11:52pm
Through the Campaign for Community and Open Expression Monitors, Penn is trying to create a safe space where we can have productive discussions about issues as complex and controversial as police brutality and racial discrimination. Now it’s up to us to take advantage of that space.
09/04/15 3:03pm
Many factors contribute to a culture where women feel discouraged from participating in campus politics at a higher level.
09/01/15 12:01am
Kermit Roosevelt writes fiction to expose legal perspectives to an audience beyond those who read law reviews.
08/25/15 11:36pm
The political debates may be in full swing, but the presidential candidates aren’t the only ones who have their eyes on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Take a look at Penn’s summer 2015 White House interns
08/25/15 12:00pm
A petition entitled "Save the Drexel Food Trucks!" has received over 2,850 signatures to date. 
08/20/15 2:21am
As Penn’s political community gears up for another year, these are the prominent and/or up-and-coming organized candidate support groups on campus.
08/19/15 7:52pm
Trump's classmates remember him as "low-key" and "self-effacing," if at all.
07/23/15 5:15am
Although the feat has never been achieved, Andrew Stober has an optimistic view of his chances of winning an at-large seat as an independent in the Nov, 3 general elections.
07/22/15 5:30am
Although Commonwealth appropriations for Penn are at stake, the University isn’t immediately affected by the current budget impasse.