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03/27/06 5:00am

Letter from the Editor: New board, new look

As you can see, the opinion page looks a little different today. The staff list has moved to page two; the columnists' photos have moved, as have their biographic information; a daily statistic has been added to the top of the page. The biggest change, however, comes not in the page's design but in its content.
03/24/06 5:00am

Opinion Art

03/24/06 5:00am

Keep up the good fight

03/24/06 5:00am

Building a real meritocracy

03/23/06 5:00am

It's Common sense

It just got a little easier to apply to the University of Pennsylvania; Penn will now by accepting the Common Application in addition to its own custom application. Instead of applauding the decision, last week's editorial in The Daily Pennsylvanian criticized the move because, it said, "Penn will become just another member of the Common crowd.
03/23/06 5:00am

Go forth and vote

03/23/06 5:00am

Opinion Art

03/22/06 5:00am

Opinion Art

03/22/06 5:00am

Absurd treatment

03/22/06 5:00am

A professor's cheat sheet

Professors are inconsistent. If you are lucky, you have professors who make appropriate use of Web resources, assemble a reasonable reading list and are open to feedback. If you are me, your professors are unable use computers, assign entire books to be read in a two-day period, don't accept constructive criticism, struggle with their English and hate redheads like me.
03/22/06 5:00am

Start your downloads

03/21/06 5:00am

Opinion Art

03/21/06 5:00am

Move focus to policy

03/21/06 5:00am

Equality in brackets

03/20/06 5:00am

Bus should remain free