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11/06/07 5:00am

Ernest Gomez | A second look at minority faculty recruitment

In a paper released on Oct. 31st, Donna Nelson of the University of Oklahoma highlights the lack of tenured and tenure-track underrepresented minority faculty in the top 100 departments of science and engineering disciplines. Nelson states that having fewer underrepresented minority (URM) faculty members creates a shortage of mentors for minority students that can decrease the appeal of academia.
11/05/07 5:00am

Cassandra Tognoni | What the 2008 election will mean for higher ed

As the presidential race heats up, education reform is a hot topic. Okay, maybe not as hot as last week's Halloween costumes, but next November's winner - and the education policies he or she pursues - will undoubtedly have repercussions for those of us Quakers who will still be around come January 2009.
11/05/07 5:00am

Opinion Art | Daniel Schwartz

Daniel Schwartz is a College sophomore from Decatur, Ga. His e-mail address is
11/05/07 5:00am

Opinion Board | Hats off to CAPS

Ben Franklin once said an "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Nowhere does this seem more applicable than when it comes to the issue of mental health on college campuses. As the Virginia Tech shooting made painfully clear, effective university counseling services are crucial in preventing troubled students from harming themselves - or others.
11/05/07 5:00am

Maureen Rush and Mark Dorsey | DPS: Proud of the Penn Police

Policing and providing safety and security in an urban university environment like Penn is an ever challenging and difficult proposition. Much of the difficulty in understanding policing in the Penn patrol zone, which extends from 30th Street to 43rd Street, Market Street to Baltimore Avenue, lies in the fact that the Penn community is unaware of the depth and breadth of the portfolio of responsibilities falling under the University of Pennsylvania Police Department.
11/02/07 5:00am

Stephen Krewson | DPS needs to get their priorities straight

'Penn is an urban college campus, well-integrated into a vibrant University City community, which offers students, staff and faculty access to a wonderfully diverse cultural, arts and restaurant scene." Thus proclaims the Division of Public Safety's Web site.
11/02/07 5:00am

Opinion Art | Avery Lawrence

Avery Lawrence is a College senior from Charlottesville, Va. His e-mail address is
11/02/07 5:00am

Jenny Zhan |To hell with saving the world; it's a waste of time

It's not easy being green. But in this day and age, what with Al Gore winning a Nobel Peace Prize for his inconvenient truth about global climate change and Brad Pitt zooming around Hollywood in his hybrid car, you almost feel pressured to turn off the tap water while brushing your teeth to save that extra three kilograms of CO2 per year.
11/02/07 5:00am

Your Voice | Letters

Investing with a conscience To The Editor: We agree: Penn's endowment campaign could help make President Gutmann a hero of higher education (10/25/2007 "Looking Ahead"). The funds raised will let Penn uphold its commitment to principled research and study for the benefit of our local and global community.
11/01/07 5:00am

Rina Thomas | Well, the FCC won't let me object ...

Rina Thomas is a Wharton and College senior from New Orleans. Her e-mail address is The Gospel According to Thomas appears on Thursdays.
11/01/07 5:00am

Opinion Art | Joanne Tong

Joanne Tong is a Wharton senior from Manila, Philippines. Her e-mail address is
11/01/07 5:00am

Mara Gordon | Can you hear me now? No.

Mara Gordon is a College senior from Washington, D.C. Her e-mail is Flash Gordon appears on Thursdays.
11/01/07 5:00am

Opinion Board | Tell the truth about Stetson

Of all the things students look for in a university "ability to keep secrets" generally isn't a coveted quality. The administration (or at least the handful that are in the know) seem to be having trouble grasping this. In September, in an effort to uncover the truth about Dean Stetson's mysterious resignation, we appealed to the administration's sense of accountability to the Penn community . to no avail.
10/31/07 5:00am

Opinion Art | Amira Fawcett

Amira Fawcett is an Engineering junior from Houston. Her e-mail address is
10/31/07 5:00am

Opinion Board | Fighting crime with cameras

The City of Brotherly Love has a less savoury nickname: Killadelphia. Offensive, but well-earned. Crime in Philadelphia is out of control. The homicide rate is approaching record-breaking levels as usual and crime abounds around the perimeters of campus.
10/31/07 5:00am

Jim Saksa | Rebel without an effect (nationally, at least)

Kids these days just don't care. Last time America was entrenched in a seemingly endless war against a nebulous and poorly defined enemy, college campuses were a boiling pot of protests, sit-ins and petitions. Student activism was the norm, even at that complacent haven of privilege known as the Ivy League.
10/31/07 5:00am

Harry Lee | A new varsity sport?

A hectic, slightly hapless afternoon in New York is behind me. Smartsave map in hand, I made it to the U.N. building two minutes after it closed to visitors; a clutch of taxi drivers refused my fare; and I took the sweltering 456 subway line to the Whitney Museum of American Art arriving at 5:10 p.
10/30/07 5:00am

Opinion Art | Alicia Puglionesi

Alicia Puglionesi is a College junior from Haverton, Pa. Her e-mail address is
10/30/07 5:00am

Opinion Board | Making Van Pelt safe

Crime in West Philly may be old news, but you know it's bad when it reaches the hallowed halls of Van Pelt. Indeed, ten cases of theft have been reported to Penn Police since mid-September and many more have certainly gone unreported. According to the Division of Public Safety, 43 percent of total thefts since July have been the result of leaving possessions unattended.
10/30/07 5:00am

Julie Siegel | Searching for a candidate in shining blue armor

Hark! Fellow Penn students, heed my call. A blue storm is gathering and glory is being showered on the cowardly dragons. In this, the last week of the fair month October, our honor is being challenged. The evil Drexelians have somehow managed to get ringside seats in the greatest tournament of our time.