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07/17/08 5:00am

Your Voice | Letters

Boycotting the U. of Perelman To the Editor: The renaming of Logan Hall to Claudia Cohen Hall is really an outrage because it was done without forethought. Perelman donates his money and expects something named after him or a member of his family. Why not rename the school as University of Perelman instead? Because that is where it's headed with Perelman's money.
07/17/08 5:00am

Opinion Art | Alicia Puglionesi

Alicia Puglionesi is a rising College senior from Havertown, Pa. Her e-mail address is
07/17/08 5:00am

Editorial | Lighting up our streets

A plan to beautify Market Street in an effort to reduce crime could be promising.
07/10/08 5:00am

Adam Goodman | Profit in all the wrong places

By instating Score Choice for the SATs, the College Board puts low-income students at a disadvantage and devalues its own tests.
07/10/08 5:00am

Opinion Art | Daniel Schwartz

Daniel Schwartz is a rising College junior from Decatur, Ga. His e-mail address is
07/10/08 5:00am

Julia Harte | Vertigo in the ivory tower

Elite universities don't cut off students from the rest of society - Ivy-goers must do that themselves.
07/10/08 5:00am

Editorial | Collaboration in action

Nutter's support of PennPraxis takes into account the whole community's needs
06/26/08 5:00am

Alicia Puglionesi | Opinion Art

Alicia Puglionesi is a rising College senior from Havertown, Pa. Her e-mail address is
06/26/08 5:00am

Your Voice | Letters

Gas prices and urban health To the Editor: Lara Seligman's article, "With rising gas prices, SEPTA ridership up," highlights how high gas prices have created a strong economic incentive that has compelled many to choose SEPTA over driving for their daily commute to work.
06/26/08 5:00am

Julia Harte | A finger in the wind

Bucking the American trend set by the Bush administration, Penn leads the investment march toward a cleaner future.
06/26/08 5:00am

Christina Domenico | If I had a million dollars...

Alternatives to spending a million dollars to keep our president from defecting to semi-rural Massachusetts.
06/19/08 5:00am

Simeon McMillan | Everyday Facebook rules

A few tips to avoid public embarrassment in that all-important arena of collegiate social life
06/19/08 5:00am

Josh Stanfield | How it used to be

By pushing legislation to preserve historic interiors, Councilman-at-Large Bill Green honors Philadelphia history.
06/19/08 5:00am

Daniel Schwartz | Opinion Art

Daniel Schwartz is a College sophomore from Decatur, Ga. His e-mail address is
06/19/08 5:00am

Editorial | Extending invitations

Contacting low-income students can help them learn of Penn's opportunities.
06/12/08 5:00am

Editorial | Maintaining security

DPS's continued work toward campus safety reassures those still here
06/12/08 5:00am

Lindsey Stull | Meat-free in a city of vegetarian delights

Penn, West Philadelphia and Center City provide myriad tasty options for the conscientious eater
06/12/08 5:00am

Julia Harte | Unnecessary fatalism

A glance at the past shows that our generation is not the first to face big issues - and that the situation's not hopeless
06/12/08 5:00am

Opinion Art | Daniel Schwartz

Daniel Schwartz is a rising College junior from Decatur, Ga. His e-mail address is
06/05/08 5:00am

Editorial | Let them eat breakfast

Campus facilities' reduced summer hours make daily activities more difficult.