34th Street Magazine's "Toast" is a semi-weekly newsletter with the latest on Penn's campus culture and arts scene. Delivered Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
Since last year, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by almost 40 percent, while President Amy Gutmann's salary went up by that percentage. Gutmann's $1.1 million compensation trailed even higher figures paid to academic executives like Columbia's Lee Bollinger ($1.
A pervasive idea in modern thought is that Western culture faces a pressing shortage of "leaders." Rare indeed is the organization which does not purport to "train up the leaders of tomorrow" or "equip people to lead."
An entire industry has developed expressly for the manufacturing of leaders.
It's not quite rotten, but something is definitely amiss about the state of the high rises. Between the 400 clogged-toilet complaints filed this semester and the long waits for broken elevators, students in the high rises are understandably frustrated and upset with Facilities Services right now.
Last week, 40 students came to the Undergraduate Assembly to voice their concerns about the proposed building of a casino in Chinatown. In response, the UA debated whether to request a study on the possible effects that a proposed casino could have on Penn students - who live almost 30 blocks away.
Jan. 20, 2009, will be a historic day. George W. Bush (Yale, Harvard MBA) will no longer be the president of this nation, ending a reign that I will generously term disgraceful. After eight years of incompetent decision-making and leadership, Obama and Co.
Provost Ron Daniels and I have something in common: We'll both depart dear old Penn next semester.
But we're also very different in that sense - I'll take off in May after donning a cap and gown, but he's heading to Johns Hopkins at the beginning of March to assume his new position as the university's president.
Changing the signs in University City To the Editor: On Nov. 14, an editorial in The Daily Pennsylvanian mentioned that the Center City District is undertaking a trial run of new signage at SEPTA stations and recommended that University City District consider installing the same signage in this region of the City.
If you stepped through College Green a few weeks back, you probably noticed the obnoxiously tall pile of trash outside of Van Pelt (with accompanying bulldozer) and the sea of discarded plastic water bottles staked across the lawn in the same manner that other groups have memorialized 9/11 or Iraq War casualties.
This is a response to both the article from Oct. 20, "Philly residents protest Penn's animal testing," and the Oct. 23 staff editorial, "Humane Science."
It was disappointing to see that The Daily Pennsylvanian neglected to speak with anyone from the University of Pennsylvania's research community when printing allegations by the protest group Stop Animal Exploitation Now (SAEN) that the University is a perpetrator of animal "abuse.
Most proposals that have come out of Congress over the last several months have been divisive. But there's one most students can agree upon: a requirement, passed as part of the Higher Education Act's reauthorization, that the FAFSA be simplified.
It should be.
"What was the source of the following phrase: 'government of the people, for the people, by the people?'" Your choices are: the "I Have a Dream" speech, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution or the Gettysburg Address. If you don't know the answer, don't fret - I missed it too (It was the Gettysburg Address).
A wedding, much like Thanksgiving, gives us one of those rare opportunities for everyone, friends and family alike, to come together and enjoy each other's company. As no small bonus, a wedding allows us to celebrate the time-honored traditions of union and love.
The European sustainability bash has been the global hot ticket for the past several years, but only recently have American cities begun to accept the invitation. San Francisco arrived early, a veritable organic presence with the foresight to ban plastic bags from large grocery stores in 2005.
I know very few people who entered college particularly comfortable with their religious identity. I knew - and still know - disillusioned atheists: people who felt trapped in the tradition they grew up with and some who were engaged in a particular faith but still wanted to go deeper.
For most parents, figuring out the 1040s, W-2s, W-4s and the other tax-related acronyms is hard enough, and that's before they even start the FAFSA, and then comes the EFC. But in increasing numbers of families, parents are also forced to climb a language barrier, often Spanish, to help their child apply to college.