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10/03/11 7:51pm
A recent sex survey by 34th Street magazine left me unsatisfied. I find this kind of exploitation of sex on a campus as lauded for its intellectualism as Penn rather surprising and, frankly, disgusting.
10/02/11 11:46pm
Pennsylvania needs to reform how it spends gambling-related revenue.
10/02/11 11:37pm
Is the definition of ‘femininity’ becoming just as misunderstood as ‘feminism’?
09/30/11 1:30am

Editorial | Financial mismanagement

SAC’s new repayment plan is an effective way to make student groups accountable for their spending. But it absolutely should not have taken SAC so long to act.
09/30/11 12:48am
If Penn is to continue on “making history,” more women should be sought after for elected student government positions. There has been no female class board president in at least a decade and counting.
09/30/11 12:41am
The correct response to cyber-bullying tragedies doesn’t lie in punishment.
09/28/11 11:20pm
Here are 12 applications that I can’t imagine being without as a Penn student.
09/28/11 11:12pm
Michele Bachmann’s comment that the human papillomavirus vaccine causes mental retardation has done a lot of damage to America’s public health.
09/28/11 11:05pm

Your Voice | Integrity in research

College senior Victor Galli writes that the University is failing to abide by national and Penn-specific animal research policies.
09/28/11 12:03am
“Hi! My name is Bobby Frosh! Will you sign my petition for student government?” “Sure, Bobby, what exactly does student government do again?” “Uhh… we do whatever it takes to make your collegiate experience better!” “Really?
09/27/11 11:57pm
As Penn students, we like to believe we are immune to silly mistakes. You would, however, be hard pressed to find a Quaker who hasn’t accidentally replied-all to an email or booked a ticket on the wrong BoltBus.
09/27/11 12:04am
Penn is not the best university in the world. But we can be.
09/26/11 11:51pm

Emma Ellman-Golan | A less democratic distribution

The Republicans’ sinister motivations for electoral redistribution are blatantly obvious, but there are also a number of reasons why this proposed system would be devastating for Pennsylvania.
09/26/11 11:40pm

Your Voice | The real issues with Penn’s alcohol policy

Alec Webley writes that Brian Goldman’s recent column ignores the real issues with Penn’s alcohol policy.
09/26/11 1:23am
Penn needs to reconfigure two of its alcohol-related policies.
09/26/11 1:19am
This fall’s new television shows copy the style of Mad Men, but miss its substance.
09/25/11 10:09am

Your Voice | Not just an Israel issue

The Daily Pennsylvanian’s coverage of Wednesday’s Durban III protest might leave Quakers confused about the cause for our sit-in against Durban III. To us, Durban III is not a Middle East issue; it is a world issue.
09/23/11 12:29am
I advise all future Penn leaders to not lose their minds this upcoming election.
09/23/11 12:25am
Our society has to confront a growing problem — people are beginning to see Facebook as an accurate representation of and effective alternative to reality.
09/22/11 12:34am
Fidel Gamboa died on August 28th. It is hard for me to explain what this means to anyone who doesn’t find the sentence striking at first glance.