34th Street Magazine's "Toast" is a semi-weekly newsletter with the latest on Penn's campus culture and arts scene. Delivered Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
The only way that we can actually make progress on any of the things that need to be done is by working together and having a minimum standard for civility in our discourse.
I extend to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas — and to all else who aid and abet promulgating this insidious delegitimization of Israel — an invitation to visit the Penn Museum.
Mo Shahin, an associate member of the Undergraduate Assembly, writes a guest column criticizing the hazing of new UA members.
ERNEST OWENS: A campus-wide pledge to change
Being forced to go on scavenger hunts in the middle of the night and to dress up in humiliating apparel should not be telling of one’s dedication to a student group.
MO SHAHIN: Seeing through the haze
The possibility of hating my new life never crossed my mind once before I came to Penn. Two months later, I have realized that there have been moments during which I hated school.
An educational issue frequently overlooked is the digital divide: many West Philadelphia elementary school students have little access to computers at home — and at school.
Not getting a perfect job or flunking an assignment can very well make us feel worthless. But it’s time to start untying our self-worth from our performance.