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11/10/11 1:43am

Eddie Cohen | An online home for class

A Wharton freshman writes that Coursekit is a better way to manage courses than the frustrating Blackboard.
11/10/11 1:37am
The only way that we can actually make progress on any of the things that need to be done is by working together and having a minimum standard for civility in our discourse.
11/10/11 1:30am

Editorial | Clearing the haze

Hazing within the UA should not be tolerated — now is the time to address the larger issue.
11/09/11 12:02am

Sascha Murillo | Insuring motherhood in Pennsylvania

In a guest column, a College senior writes that the state consistently fails to meet the needs of women, particularly those who are pregnant.
11/08/11 11:36pm
Should a building be judged on its aesthetics or on the acclaim of its architect?
11/08/11 12:44am
Our generation has drifted away from the sanctity of monogamy to, as it’s commonly known on the street, “hooking up.”
11/08/11 12:35am
Last week’s Obama event on campus focused on the short-term gain without thinking of the long-term pain that will be caused.
11/08/11 12:29am

Editorial | A fairer housing process

A new system makes housing selection more just, especially by eliminating community living.
11/07/11 12:48am
Sexually harassed women shouldn’t remain nameless for fear becoming “another Anita Hill.”
11/07/11 12:37am
Several arguments highlight the fallibility of Rush Limbaugh’s critique of classical studies majors.
11/07/11 12:28am

Your Voice | Responses to UA hazing allegations

Undergraduate Assembly members respond to two columns published in The Daily Pennsylvanian about hazing within the UA.
11/06/11 11:04pm

Shlomo Klapper | President Abbas, please visit the Penn Museum

I extend to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas — and to all else who aid and abet promulgating this insidious delegitimization of Israel — an invitation to visit the Penn Museum.
11/05/11 8:01pm

Your Voice | On the defense of Classics majors

A College senior majoring in classical studies responds to Rush Limbaugh’s critique of her field of study.
11/03/11 11:37pm

Mo Shahin | Seeing through the haze

Mo Shahin, an associate member of the Undergraduate Assembly, writes a guest column criticizing the hazing of new UA members. ERNEST OWENS: A campus-wide pledge to change
11/03/11 11:20pm
Being forced to go on scavenger hunts in the middle of the night and to dress up in humiliating apparel should not be telling of one’s dedication to a student group. MO SHAHIN: Seeing through the haze
11/03/11 10:57pm
The possibility of hating my new life never crossed my mind once before I came to Penn. Two months later, I have realized that there have been moments during which I hated school.
11/03/11 12:53am

Amara Rockar | Bring technology to West Philly students

An educational issue frequently overlooked is the digital divide: many West Philadelphia elementary school students have little access to computers at home — and at school.
11/03/11 12:45am

Your Voice | PennApps made it “public,” not Cavitch

A College junior finds fault with The Daily Pennsylvanian’s coverage of professor Max Cavitch’s criticism of Penn Course Review
11/03/11 12:24am
Not getting a perfect job or flunking an assignment can very well make us feel worthless. But it’s time to start untying our self-worth from our performance.
11/03/11 12:13am

Your Voice | The other side of the debate

A Wharton junior responds to Charles Gray’s column on the pro-life movement from the other side of the issue.