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04/11/12 11:45pm
When I get a hangover, I usually deserve it. Give me DHM and I’ll never learn my lesson.
04/11/12 11:18pm

Your Voice | A Passover-friendly Fling

For the first time in recent memory, Spring Fling and Passover have coincided this year. Passover is arguably the most celebrated holiday in the Jewish faith. Fling is arguably the most celebrated tradition on the Penn calendar.
04/11/12 2:04am
In hindsight, I did have time. But I didn’t think it was important to make time to relax, catch up with friends, exercise and sleep.
04/11/12 2:02am
Like most students, I cannot devote too much time or money to this endeavor. My solution? The Museum Without Walls, an audio tour accessible to anyone with a cellphone (a map printed from the Without Walls website is helpful, but not necessary).
04/11/12 1:54am

Editorial | How sexual assault stacks up

One in four college women have survived rape or attempted rape, according to Department of Justice estimates. The number of women who report incidents, however, does not stack up.
04/09/12 10:56pm
In general, sexual activity relies on a guy’s initiative and a girls’ acceptance. The pursuer invests time, energy, maybe even money and often wants something in return.
04/09/12 10:54pm
Back in high school, the bell rang and it was home to the family. Now, we go home to our friends.
04/09/12 10:49pm

Your Voice | Be part of the solution

Each spring, the Nominations & Elections Committee nominates undergraduate students to University-wide committees comprised of undergraduates, graduates, faculty and administrators. This year, we are accepting applications for 20 committees.
04/09/12 1:43am

Your Voice | Keeping guard

Support the AlliedBarton Security Guards’ effort to unionize by coming to the rally on Monday at 11:45 a.m. in front of the button and by signing the online petition urging Penn to support their efforts.
04/09/12 12:40am
If you’re lucky to have a tight, strong family — single parent or not — chances are that upbringing was vital in allowing you to attend Penn.
04/09/12 12:14am
Most people, myself included, have a tendency to forget that others are more than just the props in certain parts of our day. They have dimensions, they have lives and offering some bit of recognition takes little to no effort.
04/05/12 9:51pm

Your Voice | Reacting the right way

We are all human and make mistakes. Most of us make numerous stupid, arrogant statements during our lives. What is gained by turning these statements into a cover story, especially a cover story that purports to present a public voice of Penn?
04/05/12 9:47pm
Philadelphia is home to some of the most discriminatory laws in the country, but we simply do not have to deal with their repercussions because of our Penn ID.
04/05/12 9:33pm
My strong support for Israel did not happen overnight. It developed through an informed process. I knew that if I was going to consider myself a social activist, I had to be trained, informed and mindful of my decision.
04/04/12 11:49pm

Arielle Pardes | A birth control pill for men?

The new frontier of contraception is all about men. Of course, it makes more sense to take the bullets out of the gun than to wear a bulletproof vest — and with current options, women are playing Russian roulette.
04/04/12 11:43pm
The following column consists of nothing but banalities and futile musings from a freshman who is three weeks away from completing his first year of college.But most of you have been here before, so allow me to opine.
04/04/12 1:03am

Jim Khan | Joke issue score: 'DP' 128, readers 127

The Daily Pennsylvanian’s annual gag issue has a long history, of which another chapter has been written today.
04/04/12 12:54am
After publishing our first little number on grinding. — we’ve reevaluated how we stand on this mating ritual: to the front, to the back and to the side.
04/04/12 12:44am
I used to think hard work was like working at a restaurant: if I put in enough hours, I would receive what I want. High school was pretty much the same story. I would work hard and cash my efforts in for a handful of As at the end of every semester. But college is different.
04/03/12 12:38am
Around 1 a.m. last Tuesday, a blog monitoring public spots to hear the oral arguments (that I had been refreshing for hours) reported that there were still spots available. I immediately decided to travel to the capital.