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10/02/12 1:20am
Competition is why online education is here to stay.
09/30/12 10:22pm
In truth, the musical world is a big old love fest, with artists referencing, sampling and covering each other all the time.
09/30/12 9:41pm
I’d rather vote for someone that I trust as a person rather than someone I only trust to support my political beliefs.
09/28/12 12:03am

Ajay Koti | The Big Tent is here to stay

On issue after issue, the Democratic agenda is in line with majorities of the general public.
09/27/12 11:16pm
Civic mentors may not be campus celebrities but they are the true unsung leaders on campus.
09/26/12 11:21pm
Our undergraduate degrees constitute one expensive but necessary line on our resumes that supports, but does not singlehandedly define, the parameters of our knowledge and skills.
09/26/12 11:18pm
I often think about the one grandparent I have left — my 89-year-old grandmother in Indiana. Every time I call her she asks when I’m coming to visit. And I can always hear the disappointment in her voice when I say, “When I can find a weekend that I have free.”
09/26/12 12:06am

Your Voice | Working for an apology

If Harvest’s managing partner was accurately quoted, he has perpetrated a vicious insult and a gross slander on skilled workers who risk their safety, their health and their life every day to build what in this case is a non-essential luxury.
09/25/12 11:59pm
Last weekend, my mom and I went to two Bruce Springsteen concerts in New Jersey. I still haven’t found the guts to ask her whether seeing me or Bruce was more of a priority.
09/25/12 11:56pm
The crime Mumia Abu-Jamal was accused of happened in Philadelphia and there are hundreds like him who have gone through similarly complex and unfair legal processes.
09/25/12 1:16am

Erich Reimer | A party gone astray

Welfare reform and fiscal responsibility — views that were once considered mainstream in the Democratic Party a few years ago — are now decried as right-wing.
09/25/12 1:14am
Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee may be badass, but are they beautiful? They can only fight so many battles for Asian masculinity.
09/24/12 10:32am

Your Voice | Investing in dorm room entrepreneurs

The Dorm Room Fund offers us an incredible opportunity to expand this ecosystem and allow our entrepreneurs’ ideas to grow out of the dorm rooms and coffee shops and into dynamic seed-stage companies.
09/23/12 10:43pm
Religious conversations with family will always be tricky. I struggle to decide whether to explain my lack of faith or brush their questions away to save us from an upsetting conversation. Either way, a part of me will remain hidden from them.
09/23/12 9:51pm
Yeah, I destroyed my health on my birthday weekend — not by killing my liver, but by eating junk food, staring at a laptop screen and not sleeping.
09/20/12 11:09pm

Your Voice | Cheers to Skimmer Fest

We’re pulling out all the stops.
09/20/12 11:04pm
In many ways, Penn is the best it’s ever been. How many colleges can boast a no-loan financial aid policy for undergraduates, some of the most impressive (and newly renovated) dining halls or a president that can stand on her head? Not many.
09/20/12 10:59pm
I’ve blown my cover too many times to be considered a real American agent.
09/20/12 12:15am

Joyce Kim | It’s Always Sunny In West Philadelphia

A college education is not just about academics, it also has a lot to do with learning from your community. It should invite you to think about your role in the neighborhood, the city and the world. All you have to do is take a walk.
09/19/12 11:48pm
Pitchfork isn’t offensive. It’s hilarious.