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11/05/12 1:44am
Race-based affirmative action is antiquated and nonsensical.
11/05/12 1:42am
The key tenet of veganism is not to cast judgment on others, but to ensure that we are knowledgeable about the food served on our plates.
11/04/12 7:48pm

Guest Column | Respect, Resilience and the Republican Party

Looking past the regular political metric of ads, accusations and debates, it is important to consider the true nature of the Republican Party — not a nature of exclusivity or reactionary opposition, but one of compassion, motivation and promise based on practice.
11/02/12 12:54am
Many students are reluctant to give research a go because they view it as a boring or isolating activity. But, in reality, research is an extremely collaborative process, one that epitomizes creativity in an academic field.
11/02/12 12:45am
For his incomparable dedication to serving the less fortunate, while catering to the middle class, I whole-heartedly endorse President Barack Obama for a second term.
11/01/12 12:41am

Dephanie Jao | Hunting for Asians

Asians are stereotypically perceived to be less likely to fight back when faced with incidents of racism. That still doesn’t make it OK.
11/01/12 12:39am

Mike Feinberg | Why I taught for America

After more than 20 years as an educator, I thought back to where it all started — with a Teach For America sign-up sheet.
11/01/12 12:32am
Politics have flooded news portals for the last 16 months. How refreshing, to have a non-partisan two days.
10/31/12 1:39am
The politics of fear has created scary laws that stain American history. The question now is, what type of policy will the fear we see in this campaign give way to?
10/31/12 1:37am

Editorial | Staying safe through Sandy

While Sandy left our campus largely unscathed, the University was prepared for much worse.
10/26/12 12:58am
My name is Emmanuel Cordova. I am undocumented, unafraid, and unapologetic.
10/26/12 12:52am
To all Ivy League student government leaders out there: stop plotting for tomorrow and start caring for your campus.
10/26/12 12:41am
Rather than killing Muslim civilians and children under a façade of liberation, we should empower these communities.
10/24/12 11:52pm
By standing for nothing, Mitt Romney will get things done.
10/24/12 11:48pm
In light of the upcoming annual Love Your Body Campaign organized by the Penn Consortium of Undergraduate Women, I did what I do best — I wrote a letter.
10/23/12 10:53pm
Politicians take advantage of us simply because we let them. We allow ourselves to be persuaded by the wrong things.
10/23/12 10:49pm
Ask if you want to — don’t wait just because you’re a woman.
10/18/12 1:27am
In an age where there’s a wealth of information about us on Google, it makes sense to manage our reputations. But branding? Do we have to?
10/18/12 1:25am
Wouldn’t it be nice, whilst contemplating the ethical dilemmas in Dostoyevsky’s “Crime and Punishment,” to have a former lawyer in your class? And wouldn’t it be helpful, in the throes of Marketing 101, to have a data analyst on your team?
10/16/12 11:59pm

Melissa Roberts & Jake Shuster | The math behind the moratorium

In addition to creating penalties, we want to create a culture shift around group spending and debt.