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04/22/13 12:39am
As vice president of College Republicans, students are quick to disagree with me. I heard tougher jests during the campaign season on campus than “working for the Devil” can encapsulate. But that is the beauty of being a member of the so-called opposition.
04/22/13 12:36am
As our world widens in our college years, the idea of “stranger danger” needs to modify its meaning as well. If we carry the idea unchanged into adulthood, we’ll miss out on getting to know interesting people.
04/19/13 1:45pm
My father Don Ly was gentle and kind to all people. He was a good person in every sense of the word.
04/19/13 12:21am

Editorial | Time to act

While this bill was not a large step, it was progress, it was momentum, it could have been precedent. With it, we could have moved forward — still together — and talked about what more we could do. The fact that we can do nothing is just ridiculous.
04/19/13 12:11am
An innocent life is worth just as much as any other innocent life, whether it’s my own, an American’s, an Italian’s, a Saudi Arabian’s or a Pakistani’s.
04/19/13 12:08am
If the legislation had passed the debate on gun control and gun violence would have been over. The momentum that had built up since Newtown would have diminished.
04/19/13 12:02am

Guest Column | A common goal: Increased diversity and inclusion

Increasing diversity and inclusion at every level — student, faculty and staff — is one of Penn’s highest institutional priorities.
04/18/13 11:33pm

Guest Column | Tips to manage stress and resources available

This has been a stressful semester, capped by an emotionally charged week of national tragedy. With classes coming to an end and finals approaching, you may find yourself feeling anxious or overwhelmed, or you may struggle to focus. These feelings are common. We are here to listen and assist.
04/18/13 12:46am

Editorial | Get the Fling out

We’re not saying underage drinking is not a crime and that certain persons are above the law. We are saying that the police weren’t enforcing the law — they were enforcing Fling.
04/18/13 12:43am
Before I get chastised for my literary apathy and irreverence for the canons, I’ll have you know that I am capable of reading a book from start to finish. But with a constant influx of titles, it doesn’t seem worth the commitment.
04/18/13 12:41am

Guest Column | Professors and staff leaders pledge to continue working to increase diversity

We stand in solidarity with the senior faculty of the Center for Africana Studies who wrote the guest column, “Guess Who’s (Not) Coming to Dinner,” in the Jan. 30 issue of The Daily Pennsylvanian.
04/18/13 12:32am

Zurtoons Caption Contest

Think you got the perfect caption to this cartoon? Email your caption to Winner will get their caption published and win a gift card to Starbucks.
04/16/13 11:57pm
Why do we jam pack the year’s allotted fun into one weekend when it never turns out to be the best one?
04/16/13 11:56pm

Arielle Pardes | Reclaiming hook-up culture

Despite all of the huffing and puffing about hook-up culture, casual sex isn’t the problem. The problem is communication — or rather, lack thereof. It’s not time that we stop hooking up, but it is time to stop hooking up without telling our partners what we want.
04/16/13 11:15pm

Dillon Weber | Honest and reasoned debate

PennDems made a strong emotional plea for what they called “sensible and meaningful gun control legislation.” That is why I was so disappointed to see the same old, tired suggestions: ban “military-style” weapons and restrict magazine size.
04/16/13 2:36am
The right way to honor the victims of this tragedy is by simply continuing to live our lives as normal.
04/15/13 11:31pm
What you might not know is that when it comes time to sign up for those extra hard things, your fear of missing out on senior year may be misplaced.
04/15/13 11:26pm
I don’t understand why it’s laughable that girls want to hang out with a bunch of other girls and drink and not get dressed up and just chill. That sounds a lot like bro culture to me, but no one writes articles blaming bros for declining marriage rates.
04/14/13 10:45pm
The great thing about an all-you-can-eat franchise is that seconds are an option if you want them. But not many people seem to see it that way. Every day, I see entire plates of food tossed into the green compost bags at the residential dining halls.
04/14/13 10:45pm

Penn Democrats Executive Board | Enough is enough

Penn Democrats asks the Penn community to join us in demanding sensible and meaningful gun control legislation.