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10/01/13 7:44pm
What is our duty when someone insults our race? Do we have an obligation to society and fellow citizens to go on a tirade?
10/01/13 6:21pm
Accomplishments require strategically straddling a line between deliberate self-unawareness and critical self-awareness.
09/30/13 6:49pm

Letter to the Editor | Nothing to shoot about

The argument that our campus isn’t safe to the point where we should carry guns on campus is a non-issue.
09/30/13 6:40pm
“Breaking Bad” drew the golden line between inconceivable action scenes and soft human emotions.
09/30/13 6:39pm
I’ve heard about the same personal struggles and issues from many people — some of which I’ve experienced too. Given the pervasiveness of these topics, I’ve decided to address a few.
09/29/13 9:35pm

Guest Column | Legacy deserves respect

This Saturday night, I biked past the Benjamin Franklin statue seated on a bench right by Locust Walk. I was shocked to see a drunk, American college-aged male urinating on Benjamin Franklin’s statue.
09/29/13 6:22pm
We spend a lot of time with the figments of writers’ imaginations, sometimes forgetting that that’s what they are.
09/29/13 4:55pm
If a state allows for concealed carry, then there is no defensible reason for universities to enforce a zone of defenselessness.
09/26/13 8:59pm

Editorial | Food for thought

We were glad that the administration reached out to us in the first place. But transparency and collaboration on the front end need to carry over throughout the whole process.
09/26/13 8:17pm
Newspapers like to say that journalism is the first rough draft of history, but even for a rough draft, it’s often pretty bad.
09/26/13 6:13pm
The DP should be more active in curating the comments section. When the author is directly attacked, or if the commenter goes off on some tangent unrelated to the topic of the article, the comment should be removed.
09/25/13 10:36pm
Should we really be proud when we sleep less, or take pride in taking six classes just because it sounds like a lot?
09/25/13 6:35pm

Arielle Pardes | Pandora’s box, delivered to your doorstep

There’s a subscription service for everything. But will the subscription commerce model work for sex?
09/25/13 6:31pm
When I respond, saying that I am Tamil, many people have asked me, mostly jokingly, if I am a Tamil Tiger.
09/24/13 7:57pm
Last week’s response to the Navy Yard shootings was different because the country’s sentiment concerning gun violence has changed. Our anger confirmed that, in 2013, we have found ourselves in a post-NRA America.
09/24/13 7:52pm
Though the Miss America Pageant is problematic in it’s narrow, superficial method of validating women on a national stage, we are pleased to see the pageant pay homage to the melting pot that America prides itself on being.
09/23/13 7:07pm
It is a fallacy to think that you can be apolitical in an intensely political context and an intensely political world.
09/23/13 6:40pm
When your research begins to step into the fray of politics, your motives immediately start to come into question.
09/22/13 9:07pm
One of the rules I used to have for myself was that I’d never see a therapist. I thought that therapy was self-indulgent, excessive, the stuff of Woody Allen movies and not something you do in real life. But that changed two weeks ago.
09/19/13 10:43pm

Guest Column | Remembering Sheldon Hackney — a fine southern gentleman, a good man

I‘ll continue to think of Sheldon Hackney as a flamboyant — at times even provoking — personality, a fellow-traveler who merited my friendship and respect