34th Street Magazine's "Toast" is a semi-weekly newsletter with the latest on Penn's campus culture and arts scene. Delivered Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
Ford’s supporters seem to forget that this wasn’t a legally ambiguous sex(ting) scandal — it was an elected official breaking the law by abusing a banned substance.
Penn Secular Society takes our role as a secular group very seriously, and the majority of our activities are aimed at providing a community for the irreligious.
At Penn, I am continually impressed with the accomplishments of my fellow students but often underwhelmed by their ability to justify why those accomplishments and causes are important.
Part-time professor and full-time trial attorney, professor Shanin Specter lays threadbare the secrets that have led him to become one of America’s finest lawyers — and perhaps the most respected as well.
To declare e-cigarettes a silver bullet to smoking simply because it is the lesser of two evils is to blatantly ignore the lessons we have learned from tobacco control.
Actively engaging, instead of the one-sided cyberstalking that we’re wont to do, can help tame the feelings of insanity, jealousy and powerlessness that come from seeing our exes all over the internet.
I fail to understand why freshmen need to be prevented from living in the high rises, as if living in the high rises were the death knell for a freshman’s college experience.
As Penn’s leaders consider ways to improve first-year housing, implementing a one-size-fits-all approach and banning freshmen from Harrison or Harnwell College House (or low-rise buildings like Stouffer College House) seems like an easy solution. But it’s the wrong one.
Anyone with a beating heart understands that writing these posts is mean, but it might be a whole lot more than mean. Beyond just being a jerk, you could be liable for a big legal headache.
According to the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions, which keeps track of Israel’s destruction of Palestinian property, Israel has destroyed 527 Palestinian homes in 2013.