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01/28/14 9:10pm
We continue, as we have for 129 years before us, to commit ourselves to telling your stories, to giving you information you can use, to speaking up about the issues you care about and, most importantly, to providing a platform through which your voice — as as member of the Penn community — can be heard.
01/28/14 5:53pm
Rhetoric about fairness, supply and demand, GSR abuse and the “One University Policy” will be thrown around, while we wallow in the inequity of having to walk a couple of blocks to study.
01/28/14 5:52pm
Growing up in Marietta, Georgia, I was a proud liberal. Like my parents, a blue dog Democrat. At a young age, I didn’t necessarily know what being a liberal meant, but I rubbed it in the faces of my classmates, who, like their parents, identified as conservatives.
01/27/14 8:30pm
But as a woman, and as a sorority woman, I am done hearing about what’s wrong with Greek life. It is easy to point out the flaws. It’s not new. It’s not interesting. And I’ve found that many of the things people will say about sororities are just untrue.
01/27/14 6:42pm
The key to succeeding in such enterprises is the unhindered development of creative thinking, in which one proposes new ways of considering problems and uncovering their solutions. However, many schools, including Penn, tend to do just the opposite — they obstruct and even shun creativity.
01/27/14 12:26am

Guest Column by Erica Ligenza | Overcoming anxiety

This year, I realized I had a problem. And I don’t think I’m alone.
01/26/14 4:44pm
For some reason, though, it feels taboo to strike up a friendly conversation before a lecture starts. At best, the conversation fizzles out after questions about other classes and dorms, and you end up nodding to yourself, muttering, “Cool, that’s cool. Very nice. Cool.”
01/26/14 4:42pm
The geezers are right about one thing: It’s a brave new world. And mass media is starting to taste like soma.
01/26/14 4:41pm

Letter to the Editor by Rabbi Joshua Bolton | The gifts we give ourselves

Our life, the beating of the heart, the joy of friendship, the peace of well-being — these are the most precious gifts. Nothing is more important than them. No exam, no recruitment, no rush, no anything is more important.
01/26/14 4:39pm

Guest Column by Hillary Barlowe | A communal fight

These students won’t have the opportunity to become what they should have become, and it isn’t their fault — it’s ours. We haven’t taken responsibility for the well-being of our friends.
01/26/14 4:38pm

Guest Column by Alexandra McCabe | Reaching for help

The constant feeling like you’re alone inside your head and helpless is a very scary thing to deal with, but it’s important to know that you are certainly not alone and — with time and help — it will get better. Madison didn’t have the benefit of time. Please make sure that you do.
01/23/14 5:44pm
I care because Pope Francis has made no effort to correct the lie that condom use increases AIDS transmission — a falsehood propagated in Africa by the previous pontiff.
01/23/14 5:42pm
We are not able to want, desire, take pleasure in accidental beauties passing in front of our bodies each day.
01/22/14 10:49pm
One of the greatest aspects of joining a fraternity or sorority is the sense of camaraderie between people who accept and trust each other.
01/22/14 10:47pm
By joining a sorority, I’ve found women who support me in my feminism, not who diminish it.
01/22/14 10:44pm
We should continue to make fraternities and sororities safer for queer and trans people, but ultimately, these places are built around a binary that alienates an entire segment of the Penn population.
01/22/14 10:41pm
I’ve learned what kind of friendships I need and how it feels to find a group of girls that will share even your lowest moments — and sometimes even laugh at your worst jokes.
01/22/14 10:38pm
Issues associated with frats and sororities run deeper than letters on a jacket.
01/22/14 6:07pm
Dr. King undeniably was an extraordinary man who accomplished many great things over the course of his life. But rather than celebrate this, we have transformed him into a larger-than-life figure and given him the magical ability to serve as justification for virtually any policy position imaginable and act as a sort of litmus test to gauge contemporary race-relations.
01/21/14 3:36pm

Guest Column by Scott Reikofski | Commending our chapters

We are pleased that so many of Penn’s Greek chapters are known for cultivating open-minded, supportive environments where diversity is welcomed and celebrated.