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03/31/14 6:39pm

Roderick Cook | What a drag

Expressing femininity in a way that I have been actively and passively told that I am not supposed to has been such a powerful and important experience. It’s helped me to understand my gender and myself in ways that I have previously not been able to.
03/30/14 10:55pm

Jim Kahn | DP: 130, readers: 0

The Daily Pennsylvanian’s annual gag issue has a long history, of which another chapter has been written today.
03/30/14 10:40pm
Once the UA is voted down, the undergraduates could send about creating a new student government. At a convention open to all undergraduates, students could present ideas and possible structures for the new government.
03/30/14 10:17pm

Your Voice by John Legend | Amy, We Need to Talk

Amy, I think it’s time for you to take me off speed dial.
03/27/14 8:49pm

Guest column by Jeremiah Keenan | Majoring in Wikipedia at the University of Google

As far as incentives are concerned, your teacher is a research scientist who works as a part-time proctor.
03/27/14 7:12pm

Sam Sherman | 'And' over 'or'

I study chemistry and art not for the purpose of finding some superficial link between them such as art restoration, but rather to open my avenues of exploration of the world in a larger way.
03/26/14 9:15pm

Jonathan Iwry | Louder than words

Counselors like to advise people to put their problems in context. Sometimes, however, it’s the context that’s the problem. Smart and privileged Ivy League students are told to focus on how great they have it, but for many, college is far from great.
03/26/14 7:31pm

Your Voice | True Leadership: why I support Gabe Delaney for UA president

Gabe Delaney is the candidate for UA president with a greater willingness to both engage with political groups on campus and stimulate civic engagement among the student body.
03/25/14 7:39pm

Roderick Cook | Trigger Happy?

Oftentimes,  it is not simply a matter of someone needing to “get over” their trigger. It may be impossible or extremely difficult to do so, and in any case,  it is not up to someone else to decide that it is time for someone to face these issues.
03/25/14 7:38pm

Guest column by Xavier Flory | Could the real Gabe Delaney please stand up?

Delaney enjoys the process of politics and admires the rhetoric of the greatest presidents of the past, but even a short conversation with him shows that he is informed and cares about the issues facing the Penn community.
03/24/14 5:36pm

Guest column by Ariel Koren and Jesus Perez

Penn needs a student body president who is equipped to work tirelessly to solve the aforementioned problems, and UA presidential candidate Joyce Kim has the track record, the vision, the relationships and the commitment that it takes.
03/24/14 5:35pm

Alexandra Friedman | If at first, you don't succeed…

On my first day of spring break, I got the first of many emails about Hey Day.Stream of consciousness: What?! Hey Day?! But Hey Day is for rising seniors and I’m not a ... oh.
03/24/14 5:31pm

Sara Schonfeld | How to be a successful graduate

It has begun: my season of applying to programs, to jobs, and to — horror of horrors — internships. As I fill my days with applications, resumes, and cover letters, I’m beginning to wonder what it takes to be “successful” today.
03/23/14 10:45pm

Editorial | Endorsement of Gabe Delaney and Joshua Chilcote for UA President and VP

Furthermore, we wholly support Delaney’s commitment to changing the internal structure of the UA, which did not seem to be shared — certainly not to the same extent — by Kim. After the recent impeachment debacle, it’s clear that something needs to be improved internally, and we believe that Delaney’s plans to empower other UA members through a more horizontal structure will be crucial to making the necessary changes.
03/23/14 8:53pm

Guest column by Joyce Kim and Joshua Chilcote | Working with you, for you

At the end of the day, this isn’t about House of Cards politics.  People aren’t pawns, they’re people.
03/23/14 8:51pm

Guest column by Gabe Delaney and Julie Bittar | It's about leadership, not salesmanship

W e make a point of saying that we want to take the UA in a  fundamentally new direction.
03/20/14 7:54pm

Abel McDaniels | A Hollow Prize?: Rethinking Affirmative Action

This time last year, Penn (along with the rest of the higher education community) was anxiously awaiting the decision of a Supreme Court case that had the potential to seriously alter current admissions practices, Fischer v.
03/20/14 6:15pm

Guest column by Shana Frankel | Let's discuss sensitivity

I should not have to defend my need of missing class due to my religious observance.
03/19/14 10:34pm

Frida Garza | Follow the (tech) jobs

New York City lore says: If you can  make it here, you can make it anywhere. Penn students have proven that we can make it in New York. Why don’t we want to go anywhere else?
03/19/14 7:14pm

Guest column by J Street U Penn | Unproductive dialogue

We need to demonstrate to the Hillel of Greater Philadelphia that maliciously stifling its member groups is not acceptable.