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04/13/14 6:14pm

Your Voice | Teach for America offers opportunity for impact

Every experience with Teach for America is different — just as every graduate of an education program will have a different path.
04/13/14 6:13pm

Guest column by Lauren Tedeschi | Joining the Philadelphian Consciousness: The Year of the Veteran

This community exemplifies the power of shared experience as an unspoken bond between veterans, creating a forum for mutual understanding and hope. Veterans of the VMC community are eager to be heard by the ear of an individual with a genuine desire to support them. But there is more to be done.
04/10/14 5:54pm

Guest column by Alina Liu | Let's talk about social justice: Brandeis’ decision on Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Through her years of advocacy work, various death threats have been made toward Ayaan Hirsi by religious extremists because of her outspoken style against Islam.
04/10/14 5:52pm

Collin Boots | Are atheists persecuted in America?

A 2011 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology showed that subjects were more likely to distrust an atheist than they were to trust a rapist.
04/09/14 7:02pm

Sara Schonfeld | Peace, love, fling

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that I’ve been planning for this Fling for over a year.For the first time, I went out and bought myself a fling tank.
04/09/14 7:01pm

Jonathan Iwry | Turn down for what, exactly?

While indulging is healthy from time to time, we shouldn’t need to rely on a purging period to escape an overwhelming work life. College is just as much about social experiences as it is academics.
04/08/14 6:31pm

William Zhang and Jason Choi | Slacking for social change

Social media sites have been flooded by "pray for MH 370" messages ever since the unresolved disappearance of the airplane and its 227 passengers.
04/08/14 6:30pm

Guest column by the Student Activities Council | A timeline for the moratorium

As the SAC Executive Board, we will continue to encourage and support a robust student life on campus, while upholding our duty to make fiscally responsible decisions.
04/07/14 6:18pm

Alexandra Friedman | Thank you, Mozilla

It is not merely unwise for a company or its CEO to openly harbor anti-gay sentiment; it is suicidal.
04/07/14 5:35pm

Guest column by Sam Janney | Syringe exchange saves lives

An IDU will inject drugs an average of 1,000 times per year. That is 1,000 opportunities to contract HIV or HCV.  
04/06/14 7:59pm

Roderick Cook | Come out, but don't come in

Our mere existence [as queer and trans people] challenges the structure of objectification of women that frat parties are designed for.
04/06/14 6:51pm

Diane Bayeux | For art's sake

Perhaps the true motives that need to be discussed here are those of the audience. Indeed, an artwork is valued on different levels according to the public’s reaction. Without the public, an artwork can sit in an empty space forever.
04/06/14 6:35pm

Guest column by Chelsea Keeler | Affirmative action today

Here’s the catch. Intelligence isn’t the biggest predictor of test scores — it’s socioeconomic status. Critics of affirmative action base their arguments on a completely faulty standard.
04/03/14 6:59pm

Arielle Pardes | Why men should embrace Lulu

So if women are generally pretty generous with their ratings and they’re using the app to recommend their guy friends, crushes and ex-boyfriends to other women rather than to bash them for past experiences, why are men so afraid of it? Rather than being full of the vindictive reviews that men seem wary of, most Lulu scores are actually full of praise.
04/03/14 6:58pm

Your Voice by Alison Malmon

Research shows that when students are in distress, they turn to each other first — before they seek out parents, teachers or professionals. No mental health strategy will be successful without students at the core.
04/02/14 7:36pm

Frida Garza | 2048 — Not so great

In college, we’re all prone to procrastination — a quick game is more attractive than a problem set that will take eight hours to finish — but as we download the new big “thing,” we should be aware of our capacity for obsession. These games don’t offer instant gratification — they deliberately delay it. It’s tempting to submerge ourselves in activities that are less challenging than rewarding. Games like 2048 are one, but not the other.
04/02/14 6:22pm

Guest column by Devan Spear | Making justice fashionable

I, like many Penn students, own clothing produced by VF Corporation. Every backpack I’ve owned since middle school has been a JanSport, and I love a warm North Face jacket as much as anyone else. As consumers of VF apparel and as Penn students, we are in a unique position to stop VF from getting away with this injustice.
04/01/14 6:32pm

Collin Boots | Let's discuss the persecution complex

If that counts, then what about when my class of 100-plus students had a lecture canceled outright for Yom Kippur because roughly 15 students in the class were Jewish? By my estimates, I paid roughly $250 for that hour of education, and it was not provided so that a religion I don’t follow could be accommodated.
04/01/14 5:53pm

Jonathan Iwry | Can dogs look up?

People wave their opinions around — some of them better informed and reasoned than others — and the public forum becomes saturated with misinformation. For example, people trust their computers for medical advice far more than they should. According to the good digital doctors of, pretty much everything from fatigue to that pimple on your chin is a sign of cancer.
03/31/14 6:41pm

Guest column by Sebastian Negron-Reichard | On my UA experience

The UA is not an airport shuttle club, as I have heard some people say. For most, if not all, of the representatives, it is an innate call to do something productive with their lives while fostering a better University.