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01/18/17 9:43pm
Tomorrow, at around noon, Donald Trump will become the President of the United States. The bombastic billionaire, whose improbable promotion to power shattered every political norm from fundraising to gaffe-making, will assume the most important political office on earth.
01/18/17 9:41pm
I once wrote an article in which I refused to give up red lipstick despite surrendering eye makeup, and, with all the misogyny to which Trump's election has set us back, I think it's about time I explained why. What got me started thinking about it was a statement my friend made to me.
01/17/17 11:29pm
Have you ever bitten into a piece of pizza in a Dining Hall that you knew was too hot and burned your tongue?
01/17/17 11:29pm
Our country faces a crisis that begins with the letter “D.” No, it is not our President-elect Donald Trump.
01/17/17 11:11pm
BRAD HONG is a College freshman from Morristown, N.J.
01/16/17 10:29pm
This semester will be my last one at Penn. I recently discovered that I have accumulated enough credits to graduate a year in advance.
01/16/17 10:15pm
Tuition at the University of Pennsylvania for the 2016-2017 academic year is $45,556. If you assume a course load of 4.0 credits, you’re spending over $100 per hour of class time.
01/16/17 9:28pm
BRYN FRIEDENBERG is a College junior from Kirtland, OH.
01/12/17 9:49pm
LANGSTON MACDIARMID is an Engineering senior from Pittsburgh, PA.
01/11/17 11:17pm
BEN CLAAR is a College sophomore from Scarsdale, N.Y. His email is 
01/11/17 11:16pm
Last semester was honestly the worst semester I’ve had at Penn so far. And all because of one thing: the white professors I’ve had at Penn.
01/11/17 11:13pm
The shirt read “THE PUSSY GRABS BACK,” accompanied by a drawing of a kitten attacking Donald Trump’s face.
01/10/17 10:56pm
As Penn President Amy Gutmann announced on Dec. 2 of last year, Penn Provost Vincent Price will be departing the University on July 9 to assume the presidency of Duke University.
01/10/17 10:55pm
The scourge of "hands-off antagonism" has plagued Penn, where people are more likely to discuss explicit racism rather than the implicit racism that allows the former to thrive. 
12/12/16 10:43pm
When I finish my last day of classes each semester, feelings of happiness and relief sweep through me when I think about how I no longer have to wake up early, no longer have to speed-walk to class and come close to twisting my ankle on the Locust cobblestones.
12/12/16 10:42pm
I wish I could say that 53 were some significant number in my life — my home address, my lucky number, something like that — because that would be one hell of a lede.
12/11/16 10:27pm
There are many ways to be end up at a place like Penn, but I suspect that my own path was not a particularly original one.
12/11/16 10:25pm
Back when I was in middle school and I hadn’t even heard of the name Donald Trump, my science teacher gave the class a lesson on how to search the internet — specifically, how to tell the good sites from the bad.
12/11/16 10:25pm
Blaming “self-segregation” on minority groups is nothing new. To call out greek life, “similar cultural groups” and Du Bois College house as examples of widespread “self-segregation” is something that we need to think more critically about.
12/11/16 10:24pm
BRAD HONG is a College freshman from Morristown, N.J.