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12/09/13 4:23pm
One of my idealized markers of maturity is the ability to give meaningful, interesting presents to people I love. Right now, I’m not really there.
12/08/13 5:48pm
In other words, through our viewership — which is a market signal — and the revenue it generates, we drive and make possible these wonderful acts of charity.
12/05/13 6:21pm
As we go through college, we seem to lose these moments of intense learning fueled by our curiosity, with no career strings attached.
12/04/13 3:35pm

Arielle Pardes | What's your number?

When we lie about our numbers, we simply reinforce those tired gender stereotypes and the problematic binary that establishes women as either promiscuous or prudish.
12/04/13 3:32pm
But I’ve been fed too many movies and stories where couples say to each other, “I can’t live without you,” or “I’d die without you.”
12/03/13 12:05am
The absence of understanding is not just misinformation, but with delicate foreign relations issues, often trepidation or hate.
12/03/13 12:03am
Many of the flaws we millennials are accused of — from being perpetually rude to being lost on the romantic front — might be helped with a spoonful of etiquette to serve as our guide.
12/02/13 4:40pm
While we may oftentimes be oblivious to how our existence on this land is predicated on the ethnic cleansing of indigenous peoples, we should not be blind to the fact that the same process is happening now.
12/01/13 9:53pm
I joined a Buddhist ashram in India, worshipped with Jews in Jerusalem and devoured agnostic and atheistic literature. Like the prodigal son, however, I always returned home to church.
11/25/13 5:20pm
Penn should require all undergraduate students to take an academically based community service course.
11/24/13 7:39pm
This Thanksgiving, I say we should be deeply thankful for the sheer ineptitude of the state.
11/24/13 6:46pm
As you may or may not have already heard, the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year is “selfie.”
11/21/13 4:55pm
Certain forms of reality TV actually have the potential to affect my reality — and to make it a better one.
11/21/13 3:28pm
Allowing exam regrades is an important part of a fair grading system, but we as students must reevaluate our attitude towards them and be more selective when requesting them.
11/19/13 6:29pm
I think we overspend a lot of our money on food. Yes, a sandwich from Houston Market is convenient, but do we really need to be spending six or seven dollars on an uninspired meal every day?
11/18/13 9:50pm
So in a recent lecture, where class-directed question after class-directed question went unanswered, floating over the turned-down heads of slouching students, I couldn’t help but wonder: What ever happened to cold-calling?
11/17/13 3:35pm
Some classmates and I were eating breakfast before our next classes at a cafe right across the street and therefore had front-row seats, unable to leave the cafe for the duration of the assault.
11/17/13 2:35pm
With Thanksgiving as our ultimate feast of gratitude, here’s a toast to all my professors who have nurtured my inchoate mind.
11/13/13 9:13pm

Arielle Pardes | The contraception problem

The complaints about hormonal birth control pills are extensive: They make women feel moody, bloated, tired, excessively horny, nauseous and so much more.