34th Street Magazine's "Toast" is a semi-weekly newsletter with the latest on Penn's campus culture and arts scene. Delivered Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
I found the DP’s fawning interview with Adrian Raine disturbing and free of the skepticism that one would think ought automatically accompany broad claims about brain chemistry and criminal behavior. It read more like a PR release than an interview from an otherwise excellent newspaper.
If Harvest’s managing partner was accurately quoted, he has perpetrated a vicious insult and a gross slander on skilled workers who risk their safety, their health and their life every day to build what in this case is a non-essential luxury.
The Dorm Room Fund offers us an incredible opportunity to expand this ecosystem and allow our entrepreneurs’ ideas to grow out of the dorm rooms and coffee shops and into dynamic seed-stage companies.
As Penn students who work with disadvantaged schools and communities in West Philadelphia, we believe in our students, all of whom never cease to amaze us.
Please take a moment to consider what’s most important to you in life. If your answer contains family, friends, relatives or a significant other within it, then it may be worth asking: What are you doing to invest into your relationships with these people? Could you use some support?
Taking note of the number of student activists taking part in demonstrations this year, the IAA sought this particular year, 2012, as a time to reflect on what it is Penn students do here to further their causes.
I’m pretty sure that if your reporter had looked seriously, he would have found Penn’s Unificationists (past and present) to be a group of hard-working, sincere and conscientious individuals.
Where is the evidence that Lovin’ Life Ministries uses ‘high-pressure tactics’? I would like to make it very clear that we do not use any such tactics.